Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Difference between Graphic Card and Video Card

Is there any difference between Graphic Card and Video Card?|||There is no difference, the two are synonyms of each other. However, there are 2 types of graphics: integrated graphics and discrete graphics. Integrated graphics usually isn't referred to as a graphics "card" since it is permanently embedded into the motherboard. Integrated graphics also use system resources, eating into your RAM and CPU resources. On the other hand, there's discrete graphics. Discrete graphics are actual cards that plug into your computer, usually through the AGP, PCI (very slow), or PCIe slot. Everything the card needs is on the card, so it dosn't use your systems resources and slow you down.|||No. A video card, also referred to as a graphics accelerator card, display adapter, graphics card, and numerous other terms.|||No difference

They are just different way of saying the same thing|||no differences between them|||these are same product

no any diffrence between them

|||visit the website you will get it|||No, they are the same thing.

Is there something wrong with my video card?

i noticed recently that my all my games have been too slow.

i use to have have games like call of duty 4 , doom 3 and company of heroes run smoothly on my machine and now they're all too slow. even other games are having the same effect.

is there something wrong with my video card?

what could be wrong?

|||If the games are getting choppy,then it could be your video might want to update it.

However if its just slow on loading and it freezes,it might be your computer.You might have adware and a lot of stuff in your computer. Do some weekly thorough computer scans & check for viruses.Also,try deleting your cookies,that take up a lot of space on in your computer.|||It might be that your computer is clogged with junk files, spyware, or just too much stuff on it totally. Try running a defragmentation and spyware check.

Is a GeForce 9500GT a good video card?

I am building a Gaming computer is this a good video card?

i am parable going to use a lcd monitor or a no hd tv will there be any problems?|||Only if you don't mind playing at low resolutions/detail levels. Get something closer to the $100 price point and you'll have a much better card.|||Ok ,at least better than my 7300GT T_T|||Not great, but it will be able to handle the last generation of games. Or well designed games...|||from what i've heard anything below 9600 is not considered a gaming card.|||Not for gaming no. At least a Radeon 4670 or the games will run all juddery.

How do I make my Video card advanced without buying one?Can I download one?

I need a video card thats compatible with DirectX9c or DirectX10|||If there was a way I wouldn't have spent $600 USD on my graphic card.|||go to ur video card manufacturer's web site, and download the latest driver, and install it,|||DirectX 9.0c cards are relatively cheap and can handle some of the DX10 games on the market today (with some tweaking). I've seen a Radeon x1950 Pro run Crysis somewhat smoothly, so it is possible. There is no point to buying a DX10 card right now, as most games do not fully utilize its "awesome" potential - games like Crysis in DX10 mode are choppy and the GFX quality is very similar to DX9c.

In my rig, I am running a Radeon HD 3870, but that was because I got it for a steal of a price.

How to find out how much video memory a graphics card is using?

I want to monitor the graphics cards memory to see if i need to upgrade it. Also if there is a why to monitor its GPU that would be useful also. I run both windows and Linux.|||Your graphics card Make (people who make it) will have software on their website that will monitor both. This is the case most of the time, not always, with good brands like Asus, Gigabyte, Nvidia. The software may also tell you the temperature of the GPU and also the fan/s speed (if you have a fan/s). Look up the exact model of your graphics card on Google and go onto the Makers website and go to something like: Downloads, Help and Support, Drivers or whatever looks like it would have software!

Hope this helps!

What is the best way to install my new video card?

I currently have a Geforce 8800 GTS, and I am upgrading to the Radeon HD 4890. My only real concern is the order in which I do things. Should I first uninstall my Nvidia drivers, then change the graphics cards, then install the ATI drivers? Or, should I change the graphics cards, then uninstall the old drivers and install the new drivers? Thanks!|||Your first instinct was correct:

--Uninstall nVidia drivers

--Remove nVidia card

--Install ATI card

--Boot PC

--Install ATI drivers

That should give you the cleanest install of your new card and drivers.

Enjoy!!|||will not matter either way you do it. you dont even have to unintall the old drivers if you dont want to that way if your new card fails you can just throw your old one backin till it is replace and you wont have to load drivers again for the old card. but i would recoment unistalling any software that loaded with the old card.|||remove the old card and install the new one be careful you don't wont to damage the old or new card with static best bet would to keep one of your arms touching the metal case while working inside the case.

How high can I overclock this video card?

I recently bought at nvidia geforce 9600gt and its great but the card I'm talking about is as follows

3dfuzion nvidia geforce 6200le

128mb ddr (256mb ddr with turbo cache on) 64-bit

I really would like this to go a lot faster

Irealize the warnings, dangers, and limits but give me an idea or estimate|||even if u make it go faster its too old to even make a difference in perofrmance.

I have a video card driver question?

well, i downloaded a game and when i tried to play it an error message popped up and said "unable to run because your video card drivers are out of date or unsupported. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers installed".

so does anyone know what i should to??|||Check that your drivers are up to date:

Right click My Computer>properties>Hardware tab, select Device Manager, expand Sound, video and game controllers, right-click the adapter>properites, (write this adapter name down) select Drivers tab, select update (use internet option). After installed you probably need to reboot. If your drivers are up to date, look for a readme file in the game directory or in the game itself or the games website, to determine which video cards are supported.|||goto th manufactors site nd search for drivers|||The video game requires features that your video card doesn't have such as shading, T+L, etc. You can try updating the drivers but you will probably have to buy a better video card to run that game.|||Before you switch drivers, download and install the latest Direct X from Microsoft for your OS version. The Microsoft site tells you how to do it. If you have the latest then the install will tell you. Many times the error message that these game sites send out is due to attempting a direct X command that your system does not support. All they know is that they did not get the response they were looking for, they allways blame the video driver. if you have to download a video driver then do so directly from the vendor of the video card. There are a lot of 1/2 AXXed drivers that come up in an internet search.

Is this video card good enough to run sims 2 and 3 smoothly on my laptop?

thats the specs above

i have win7 prof

video card is

ATI Mobility™ Radeon® HD 5145 1G DDR3 VRAM

and will Sims 2 and 3 run smoothly using this laptop?

thnx|||YES !|||yes it will be more then enough... here is the system requirements for Sims 2 and 3

•2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent

•1.5 GB RAM

•128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

•Microsoft Windows

•At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB of additional space for custom content and saved games

I need suggestions on what kind of video card to buy.?

My MAJOR problem is when I play games I get thrown off the game back to the icon page. My comp also stops while I'm typing and I have to start from where it stopped at.(it's stopped twice so far) I know I need a new video card but have no idea what to get. My comp is a dell approx 2yrs old and the current card is:intel(r) 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv graphics controller. I can spend up to a couple C's but (of course) want to spend as little as possible. Can someone please help me?|||You are currently using an outdated integrated graphics that share memory from system RAM. 82845 chipset supports AGP. Consider an ATI 9600 Pro. It is just a 17 watter, would not stress your power supply. More exciting/faster cards would require a power supply upgrade.|||your game(s) box or even the game(s) FAQ's or tech support should be able to help with the type of card

for the purchase, i suggest|||A new video card may not help if your computer is crashing. But your onboard video controller is not good for gaming.

Find out if your motherboard has an AGP port or a PCI-express port for the graphics card.

Then go and get a graphics card based upon how much you want to spend.

I recommend:

ATI X1650PRO for around $100

NVIDIA 7600GT (DDR3) for around $130

ATI X1950PRO for $200 ish???

Or get crazy with an NVIDIA 8800 for lots more money.

Have fun!|||Your using integrated graphics, if your pc has a pci-e slot get the X1950 pro.

What video card to get?

I have a acer aspire 1gb ram, 1.6ghz, pentium dual core. What type of video card do I need for the game crysis?(is graphics card the same thing?) Budget is around $200. Any other parts I need please let me know.|||Yes, graphics card and video card are the same thing.

But you'll need more RAM (3GB preferably)

The best video card you can get for around $200 is the Radeon 4850 - beats the 8800GTX and with current rebates, costs less!|||Don't bother trying to run crysis. Your computer will end up as so much blue screen.

Seriously, you'll need at least 2gb ram, a core2duo and a 8800GTS to get any decent framerate.|||You don't need a new video card. You need a new computer. Honestly you may be able to install Crysis. But you won't be doing much playing with those kind of specs.|||well i think with your given system your processor and ram will limit your performance regardless of what video card you get.

if i were to recommend a video card in that price range though, the 8800 GT is a very solid card that would perform well with crysis at decent settings.

8800GT US ->

8800GT CA ->

I would look at perhaps picking up another Gig of ram though if you could, i think it would improve performance, though overall your cpu will still be a bit of a bottleneck performance wise, though i could see you getting good frame rates at medium settings at a reasonable resolution|||get N-VIDIA card

have a nice day

if u find my comment helpfull rate me or

u need any help and support mail me|||8800 GT/GTS r the best choice of that budget. They r high-end gaming card and can perform well in any games.

What video card compares to the 8600 GT?

I'm looking for a card with similar specs to the 8600 GT, but I don't like Nvidia, I'd prefer ATI.

Halp.|||If you want a lower-priced ATI card that will run games adequately, you should spend enough to buy either a Radeon 4670, or a Radeon 3870.……

You probably need to upgrade your current power supply, to run either one of those reliably. A brand name 400W power supply would be plenty.|||... there's no reason to prefer ATI to nVidia (nvidia generally has better value, drivers, and support), but if you really care about having ATI, the HD2600 Pro and the X1800 XT have the most similar performance to an 8600GT.

Video card Changing question Direct 3d and opengl?

When I try to run my graphics card in open gl through the advanced settings on desktop I click apply and then i go look at it then it's back on to direct 3D how can I fix this so it stays at opengl?|||Hi

You have to change the driver. Check for an update with the manufacturer of your video card.

I recommend that program to accelerate my card nvidia video?

hello want my card nvidia 7300 gerforce out faster for games like dead space and fallout 3 do you recommend to make it faster and take these games|||Buy a new card|||There is no way to accelerate your video card. You need a new one, look at min. of Geforce 98xx or 95xx with Directx 10. Min. of 256 of memory on the card. More memory the better. I have 1 Gb of DDR3 memory on my video card. Working great. In ATI try 5xxx or better.

Installed new video card - Having problems?

I bought a 512 MB ATI Radeon x1650 Pro AGP video card and after installing it nothing showed up on my screen, the computer turned on though. I have a 305watt power supply and running Windows XP Pro SP3.

My AGP slot is x8 and is 3.0

Other details:

Dell Dimension 8300

1.5GB Ram

3.0GHz Pentium 4

ATI Radeon 9550 256mb|||Hi there,

If you can hear the sounds but can't see anything on the screen, then it should of loaded up the first time and you may have installed the drivers for the card. If so, do the following:

You need to uninstall your previous graphics card driver, or your onboard graphics card driver. To do this, do the following steps below:

1. Reboot your computer in Safe Mode.

2. Login as "Administrator," or another Admin account.

3. Click "Start" and right click "My Computer" and select "Properties."

4. Click the "Hardware" tab and then click "Device Manager."

5. Under "Display Adaptors," right-click "Uninstall" the onboard graphics driver (eg. Intel 82845G Graphics controller etc..).

Once the above steps are done, you may now restart your computer as normal (without safemode) and your graphics card should now be working.|||You didnt disable the onboard video. Plug the monitor back in to the onboard and boot up, install the new card software if you havent yet, open device manager and disable the onboard video, shut down the pc and connect the monitor to the new card, reboot

Is this motherboard/video card/CPU good for gaming?

Im looking for an affordable mother board and video card(s) to run hardcore games on my machine. I built my machine my self, but i want to improve it with a decent mother board (SLI) and 2 video cards good for gaming. im thinking of buying the following motherboard and video cards, but i dont know if theyre good enough to run next gen games on them:

Mother Board:

MSI P6N SLI-FI LGA775 ATX Motherboard MS-7350-010, nForce 650i SLI Chipset, Supports Intel Core 2 Quad Duo CPUs, Dual DDR2


Video cards (2 of them):

Two ZOGIS GeForce 8500 GT 512MB PCI-E ZO85GT-E


(109$ each)

Im gonna fit this board with my pentium 4 proccessor with 3.2 ghz and HT. If anyone knows a better way to configure my gaming machine at an affordable price please let me know. (im mainly looking for info on my motherboard and video card, but if you wanna comment about my proccessor thats fine because im looking for a good AMD proccessor).

Any help would be appreciated.|||The board and processor are great but do NOT go with the 8500 GT's...You would think that since it has a GT at the end of it, that it should be a rocket. Let me tell you from experience this isnt one of those times. I owned one for about 45 minutes and took it back. I was trying to upgrade from a XFX6800 extreme(SLI) and thought that it I would notice a difference and I did, worse! I play Ut2004 quite a bit and get 80+ FPS (frames per sec) with the old 6800 extreme and got 20-30 with the exact card you are considering. It is not at all a gaming card (8500 or 8600 GT). If you are going to upgrade and are tight on cash, the 8600 GTS is the way to go. If money isnt an option, go with the 8800. I went with the 8600 gts and see some difference during game play. I hope this saves you from the time and headache that I went through...|||your processor sounds fine its just the video cards that are a little weak. try puttin in an Nvidia card if not 2 of them. that will make everything run smooth. the dual core will help as well. The GeForce cards sound just as powerful as the Nvidia but maybe a bit weaker. thats all i got.

Best video card for windows xp user?

just need some tips on a video card but.

i have a Dell Dimension 8400,

my very good video card from '06 just burned out,

and i'm in desperate need to find a good cheap video card.

and is it true if you get a video card with direct x10, that it doesn't support windows xp?|||DX10 cards work with windows shouldn't have an issue with that.

I would pick up a Geforce 9800GT or Radeon 4850 if you want a fairly cheap, but good card. Both can be found <$100.

What kind of Video Card do I need?

ok so I have a dell, about three years old (no svideo)... I want to be able to watch my videos on my older not hdtv television. I do not want to use the tv permanently- just for home video, backups of movies, etc... I need thorough explanations. anyone out there capable?|||First you need to go to Dell's site and put in you service tag number. That way you can find out what type cards your pc can take. Like pci, agp, pcie. Once you know that info, you can go to and research the cards to find the one you need that fits your slot type. TigerDirect has the same stuff, and ships faster, but costs more.

While not a direct answer, it is the path you need to take!|||id assume its pcie due to the age of the machine. an hd2400 would do it.…

Looking to upgrade my e-machine t5254 video card, wanna help?

I'm trying to upgrade my video card to this:

While it is a pci-e x16 card, my machine says it has a pci-e x8 slot.

I have read several articles saying the card would technically fit, but work at x8 speed.

Is this true? Also, if not are there any suggestions for a decent low-price range x8 card?|||You have to mod your PCI-E x8 slot in most cases to fit an x-16 card, and you're correct that it will run on an x8 speed bus. The real problem is finding an x8 card at all, and since rare things are generally expensive, a decent low price x8 card should prove hard to come by.

You should have a standard AGP slot, which would fit this comparable video card:…

Can you replace the Dell Inspiron's 1520 video card and sound card?

I have a Dell Inspiron 1520 laptop and I need to know if you can replace the Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family Video graphics card with a NVIDIA 256MB video card?...... also my sound card i want to be able to record sound directly from my computer without having the audio sound like it's coming from a mic|||(a) No, sorry, laptop video cards are built into the chipset, so they are not upgradeable unless you upgrade the whole main board. Same thing with almost, if not all laptops. Even with Apples iMac it is the same story!

(b) I think what you want is a desktop sound recorder, to record sound that is playing through the actaul computer, not sound from the mic, is this what you want? I can't recommend a good free one, but you might find something useful here:…

Good luck!|||you can get sound cards made for the express card expansion, but not video cards.|||Nope!

How do i hook up my xbox to my hp laptop with media center and a video card with component video input?

hp laptop with media center

hp video card with s video and component video inputs

xbox|||u need to install windows media extender on ur computer. make sure both r hooked up to the internet, and both r on. then follow the instructions on ur xbox in setting up a connection. its pretty simple if u follow the directions it gives.

You can only do this on the xbox 360. this will not work with the original, because the programming does not support this.

How can I expand my computer's ram and better it's video card?

I have an Intel 82810E Graphics card with512 Ram, but I can't run my favorite games like halo, just because i either don't have a better graphics card or i don't have 32 bit video. Also, my ram could use an improvement. My main question is, how can I resolve all this without spending more than $10?|||you can't. You have to go buy a better video card and upgrade your ram. price would be in the hundreds, not $10

I have a inspron 6400 and I wanna upgrade my video card... is it possible?

I found out recently that my laptop won't run some really good games (like Battlefield 2 or Quake War ET) and it turns out that it needs a video card upgrade =\. So is it even possible 2 upgrade (cuz it is a laptop after all...) and how much will it cost me? I'm using mobile Intel 945gm express chipset. Plz help me!|||I don't know if it's the same for your 6400, but my 6000 is built with the video card permanently coupled with the motherboard, making upgrading impossible. Dell hates its customers apparently :-p|||Hmmm....I use the same laptop model as you :) Before you decide on buying a new graphic card, please check that if you can find ways to speed up the video graphic processing.

You need to check:

1. If you have sufficent RAM. My laptop uses 1GB DDRAM 2.

2. Do you defrag your harddisk. I find it quite useful in speeding up video

3. Do you have too many background program running while you are playing your computer games. You can check it from Task Manger

4. Delete some unuse programs to give your harddisk more virtual memory in order to speed up video

It is indeed possible to upgrade the video graphic cards in laptop:) But, it is hard to find shops selling them!:( You may try to call the Dell agent for help:) For your laptop computer, you also need to upgrade your BIOS:) That can be done by yourself:) You just key in your service tag in the Dell website, and you should find something like BIOS update patches:) I upgrage my own BIOS to version A08 from A06 right now. For the price of your new video card, I can't give you any recommendation because I am from Singapore.

Should i buy this video card?

Im looking at buying a Palit Nvidia GeForce 1GB GTS450 Graphic HDMI Video HDCP to run a game that has the following video card requirements:

NVIDIA 8800GTX + or ATI 3800 series +

Would the video card be capable of running the game???

Thanks.|||Those cards are great, and yes, that card would be more than capable of running that game. In fact, that card isn't too far off from the card in my gaming computer, and it'll run any game currently on the market.

If you want to see a concrete comparison, look at this:…

Then look at this…|||It'll work. But depends how much it is, because you could do better.

I need a basic video card to add a second monitor to a minitower?

Not for high-performance games, just basic office work. I don't want to spend a fortune on a Ferrari when all I need is a skateboard. So far I find really cheap stuff in the larger form factor, but nothing reasonable in the mini - I don't want to spend more on the card than on the monitor! Any suggestions?|||There are plenty of budget-conscious video cards that can support dual monitors. The selection of dual-monitor budget cards at Newegg:…

Low-profile ones in case you mean your machine is one of those slimline cases:…|||There are plenty of good cheap cards for less than $50, especially online. They are all based on either nvidia or ATI chipsets, so it doesn't matter what brand you get. If you don't mind waiting a few days to get it delivered, go shop at That's the best place for computer stuff.

What is the best video card out for under £150?

Nvidia or ATI.... I'm going to be video editing and using after effects, maybe play some games....|||I like AMD cards at the moment and as such i would recommend either ther 6850 or the 5770, they are both great cards and they are both in your price range, in fact on of my mates runs a 5770 and he plays a lot of games such as bad company 2 and cod 4 ect and he has no problems.

Hope this helps.|||It's a little bit more than £150 but check out the Radeon HD 6870

The new HD 6850 is right around your budget though.

I am looking to upgrade my video card and am looking for advice on which card to purchase?

I own a HP XT948 and am not sure which card is better(max performance). The board has 1 AGP slot and 2 PCI slots. Is one particular kind of card better? My choices are a GeForce 5500 (PCI), ATI Radeon 9550 (PCI), or the Nvidia GeForce 6200 (AGP). It seems the AGP numbers go higher Than the PCI on the Nvidia cards, probably due to PCI-Express being introduced. I understand that AGP slots are pretty much phased out now and the card will be pretty much useless but I am more concerned about getting max performance from this machine. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time.|||If you have a choice between AGP and PCI express, from several different sources I have heard that PCI express is the way to go.

Depending on how old your computer is (sounds like you only have AGP for video) you have to choose the card type that works in it. I use the GEForce 5500 AGP (mostly because my system is a bit older and has only AGP).

Check your system on the HP website and see what type of video card slot it comes with (most come only with one). If it can handle PCI express, go with that (preferably GeForce type). If only AGP, then go with the GEForce AGP. Also you might try adding some more RAM memory to your system (if you don't have a gig of RAM already, do so... 2 would be better!). Those work hand-in-hand for system performance.|||The GeForce 6200 will be best. AGP is much faster than PCI. However, do not plan on playing any of the newest games on even this card, as it is stall rather old.|||If you don't have the capability to do PCIe go with AGP. AGP has a direct connection between the video circuitry and the PC's memory.

Yes, AGP is slowly being weeded out but I myself use a GeForce 7600GS AGP and i have just as good frame rates as people I know that use PCIe.|||I pretty much did what you are talking about a few months ago. I have an AMD 3200+ with a Gigabyte mobo that runs AGP. I sold my old ATI 9800 Pro and purchased an ATI 1950 Pro AGP. You can find them now for under $200 and it is the best AGP card available in my opinion... especially for that price. It will definately extend the lifespan of almost any older AGP system as I can play just about anything out nowadays. Just make sure you have a power supply that is up to spec for whatever card you do choose. I had to upgrade mine from a 350W to a 550W, and not because of the wattage, but the amps. So do your homework either way and good luck!!

You have not connected the power cable to your video card.?

You have not connected the power cable to your video card. Please refer to the 'C settings started guide' for proper hardware installation.|||It is a 6pin or 8pin PCIEx16 connector. Some graphic cards require 2 of them. Look in your cards box and see if it came with a 6pin to 4pin molex adapter. I would only use one adapter, if your card requires 2 and you do not have one on your power supply then I would suggest a new PSU...…|||What graphics card do you have? Most modern GPUs require external power (i.e. they can not draw enough from the PCI Express slot itself). You should have some spare Molex connectors (usually 6 pins, 3x2) from your PSU to connect to the GPU. The connection procedure should be covered in the user manual!|||Graphics cards require you to connect a power cable (it doesnt get enough from the motherboard), it usually goes on the top of the card at the end, is wide/thin and at the edge of the card.|||You need to plug in your power supply to y our video card. Most video cards that require that , need to be connected to at least 550 watt power supply.|||Uhh..? Whats to answer?

Will this video card work on a agp 4x slot?

will this video card work on an agpx4 slot heres link: and heres my specs because i dont know if my professor is good enofgh for the card:1.7ghz pentium 4,512mb ram.agp 4x slot|||Yes it should be OK, as AGP 8x is backwards compatible with AGP 4x. The FX5200 was one of the last cards to have 3.3v support, meaning that it's compatible with even the original 3.3v AGP 1x.

And the processor should be fine too. This is very old and dated hardware now, though. I really wouldn't bother, I'd upgrade to a newer system with a PCI Express videocard slot..|||it will work but will only run at 4x instead of 8x id recommend upgrading the system but to answer your question yes it will work|||No.

It needs an AGP 8x slot.

How can i choose a good video card ? ?

this is another curious question of mine,

anyways, how do i choose a good video card?

with high graohic density and everything ?

what do i have to look into the card to see how good it is?

what are the latest series and models ?|||The ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series are probably the best out there so far. Especially the 4870X2. When looking for a graphics card you want to look at the number of stream processors, the Engine/Memory Clock Freq,memory size, and what outputs you think you may need, such as HDMI, DVI, etc. The most important are the stream processors, the more you have the better.|||The latest best around is Radeon HD 4870 X2, or coming down from that you have lesser GeForces/Radeons for all the specs clouding everyone what you essentially need to look at is the name describing generation and performance, thus a 7800 would easily beat a 9400 on performance but it is older generation that offer lesser versions of visual wows. Tom's Hardware does good job on summarizing entire crop into what to buy and what to miss.

Should I upgrade my video card or cpu/motherboard/ram?

I currently have a core2duo E6400, gefore 8800gts (384mb ram) and ddr2 ar 800mhz I think..

Was contemplating upgrading the video card to a GTX280, but I was wondering if it was better to upgrade my system first - cpu/mobo/ram

Which would give the best performance boost|||You don't say how much ram you have. Get more of that first - it's the cheapest option. 2 gb of ram is a comfortable amount. Instal that and see how you go. Your cpu and video card sound fine so unless you want to get those extra few frames/second on some flash game, I'd say save your money there.|||no need to upgrade ur machine. it is already up to date.|||if u are playing games on your PC then u upgrade it if the recommended RAM is not installed in ur PC

I think u shud upgrade ur RAM to 1 or 2 gb accordint to ur budget

No need to upgrade ur CPU

Only Ram upgrade can boost ur Pc performance

Whats wrong with an intel video card?

my laptop has an intel HD Graphics video card with 1696MB graphics memory.

i dont know alot about computers im not sure why its not as good as an Nvidia video card for playing video games.

the specs of my video card seem higher than that of the minimum requirements for pc games but sites that test if your pc will run a game say that i need to upgrade.

i dont understand. please help|||There is more to gaming than simply the amount of graphics memory.

Intel graphic cards are made just good enough to handle the more common computer usage, such as HD videos and the like. As a rule of thumb, their graphic adapters are about as good as an NVIDIA or ATI adapter from 5 years ago.

Most ATI and NVIDIA cards have DEDICATED graphics memory that is built into the adapter and is much faster than the SHARED graphics memory that the Intel uses. Shared memory means it takes some of your system RAM and uses that for video processing. The downfall is that the data has to travel much farther to get to the system RAM than the onboard dedicated memory on the higher end cards.

There is also a difference in clock speed, bandwidth, shaders, and pipeline width; but that is getting too deep.

The bottom line is that Intel does not specialize in video cards, whereas Nvidia does.|||Your card doesn't actually have 1696MB graphics memory. It has 0MB graphics memory. All of its memory is actually taken from your system RAM. In addition, graphics memory actually has very little to do with graphics card performance. A graphics card is essentially a many-core processor optimized for graphics work. Dedicated cards, such as the ones from Nvidia, can have several hundred cores. Your Intel card, which is integrated into the chipset, has fewer cores and is slower than every other card in its generation. Look at this comparison: on a widely used benchmark- the 3D Mark 05, the GeForce 320M. an integrated graphics card (so also low-end) Nvidia made for Apple , scores more than double what your Intel GMA HD does.……|||Here the bottom line.

Intel graphics stink for anything other than media "Video" and does a mediocre job of that.

The reason:

Nvidia and ATI have architecture's that Intel graphics cannot duplicate, and it's this architecture is implemented by every game programmer out there.

The following is straight from Intel"s mouth regarding this

Q:Can someone from intel give me an estimation of when GPA will support OpenGL?

I've searched the forums but haven't found any statement on this matter.


Thanks for your interest in having Intel GPA support the OpenGL graphics API.

We've not announced any release dates at this time -- when we have more information on this topic we'll be posting it on these forums and in the Intel GPA FAQ.



Hope that answers it for you .|||Intel graphic cards are probably the badest graphiic cards ever.

Why? Because a company can't be good at processors and graphic cards. For example, AMD makes good graphics card but bad processors.

Why does this happen? No idea. lol|||may be the games u play require a better graphics card than the one you have,ir else try reinstalling the graphics drivers from intel website

What kind of nvidia video card should i buy enough to play games like GTA4?

my PC crap.

my system:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Motherboard: Asus P5GC-MX/1333

RAM: 1GB RAM (really crap)

video card: Nvidia 7200 GS (really really crap)

pls help me so i can complete everything before the year ends|||If you have a PCI express x16... and want to keep on a budget...

19" screen and under... Nvidia 9600gt (less than 100 dollars)

20-22" (1650x xxxx resolution...) Nvidia 9800gt (roughly 100 dollars)

24"+ (around 1900x1200 reslution) 9800gtx or better

ATI has some equivilant cards as well.

I garuntee you could play them with pretty good detail with these...|||Ok, Upgrade your ram to as much as you can, something like 4gb, then get the GeForce 9800 GX2 and your processor seems fine, Also get a gaming mouse if you are playing games like call of duty 4 and counter strike for better performance.|||I would take nvidia gtx280 x3 of course it would be very expensive right now but it would be the best graphic card I guess.

Should I buy a new video card/ram or just a new PC?

Hi, I recently noticed that my computer is hella slow when running multiple applications and lags a bit in some games even in the lowest quality, so I'm just wondering, should I buy a new PC or just buy a new graphic card/ram? Here's my specs:

Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: VIA Technologies, Inc.

System Model: PM800-8237

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz

Memory: 448MB RAM

Page File: 346MB used, 710MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

I have to let you all know that I'd rather not use so much money on a new PC, I just want to know your suggestions. And also, would my computer handle RAM/VIDEO CARDS? If I bought a new computer I would have to buy one that is 800 or less.. Thanks!|||No sir you do not have to buy a new Pc. Your Pc is fast, but you are running windows xp and that requires at least 512mb of ram. You only have 448 thats not sufficient. Get another gig or 2 but that in and upgrade from windows service pack 2 to 3, that should do the trick. O ya make sure that you get the right ram there are 2 types ddr1 and ddr2 just tell the people at the store you buy your ram from your computer specs and they should tell you which type of ram you need.|||I would say the easiest thing you can do is first run defragmenter.

The cheapest upgrade you can do is Ram. I would say buy 2gb's ram. You can buy a decent graphics card for 100 dollars or so.

You can easily upgrade your system for 250 dollars or less.

checkout I have bought all my computer parts there and they are usually 10 to 20 dollars cheaper then anywhere else.|||New PC mate ,

Company of heroes video card?

I have the video card Geforce 9300 GE and i just bought Company of heroes. doesn't work, do i need to upgrade ? Is my video card too good for the game? or is it too bad? is it the more the number the better? do i need to upgrade my video card?|||the low ends of any graphics card series (e.g. 9300 compared to, say, a 8800) are very weak. The 9300 is incredibly weak, because it was never made for serious graphics.

You'll need to upgrade.

Is there a way I can enable two monitors and a television simultaneously from the same video card?

I have an ATI Radeon 9600...VGA out, DVI out and S-Video out.

VGA monitor is on all the time.

DVI is hooked up to a DVI-VGA adapter, running to a second monitor.

S-video is going to my TV.

I have to disable the second monitor to enable the there any way around this?


PS Windows XP Professional SP2

AMD athlon running at 2.2 GHZ

1 gb ram|||Hi,

Well there is no way around this issue. The chipset will run TV and any other device simultaneously, but ATI specs state "independent refresh rates for any two connected displays"

Personally, I had the exact same situation. At the time I had an AGP Radeon that would display only 1 monitor and 1 TV; to solve this I bought an NVidia PCI adapter with 2 analog VGA out puts and 1 SVideo. Now I have at least 3 displays running at any time and I could do a nice 4 display combination if necessary. If you choose to install another card, I would look at the ATI PCI option because of compatibility issues. I started with a Radeon based Diamond Stealth which was a nightmare, and the NVidia I settled on required too much effort before it worked well. In 2000 I had an early Radeon with a Rage Pro, both authentic ATI and it was so easy and totally compatible.

Anyway, you will see the above quote if you research the ATI specs for your card.

I hope this is helpful and GOOD LUCK!!|||get a second video card

on the 9600 / 9700 you can drive 2 monitors

but not a TV and a monitor at the same time

What is the best video card?

what is the best low profile video card out there as of 2009. i need 1 to fit into my Inspiron 531s(slim model) price doesnt matter|||the best low profile graphics card with PCIe x16 interface (what fit in the Inspiron 531s) is the SPARKLE SX96GT512D3L-NM GeForce 9600 GT hands down.…

be aware that you have probably to upgrade the PSU too, as the 531s only has a 250W PSU what is likely too weak. i would recommend to get a 400W PSU. the problem with Dell computers is that they use proprietary PSU's for the slim PC models, therefore standard PSU's won't fit.|||If by low profile you mean only takes up one PCI express slot, then go for the nVidia Geforce 280. On a budget, get an ATI Radeon 4850. Dunno of any good smaller cards. is the best place to shop.


That one looks decent for its size.|||Well the Best card right now is the GTX295…|||Alexius is correct that the 9600GT is the best low profile video card, period. However the Dell Insprion 531s has only a 250w power supply, 18A 12v rail, and not enough molex connectors for the extra power needed. If you are not interested in upgrading your power supply which most likely would require switching to a full size case, you are left with either of these:

JATON GeForce 9500 GT 1GB $96…

This does not require an additional power connector and has 1GB of memory. The picture is regular profile however it is designed for low profile and includes the low profile bracket. If you wanted less expensive this is almost as good

PNY GeForce 8600 GT 512MB DDR2 $60…

Again no additional power connector needed and even though picture as regular profile it includes low profile bracket. This is just as fast as the 9500gt but with less memory it is recommend for resolutions under 1650x1080. And finally

ASUS Radeon HD 3450 256MB $30 ($20 w/10 mail in rebate)…

A decent card for casual computer use and light gaming. No gaming at high resolution or high details of course. Great just for internet surfing and maybe a little Sims.

All 3 of these are low profile and do not require an external power connector. All 3 are the best of their price tiers depending on your budget. I have the 8600GT in my case and it runs everything I need it to. Again if you want the best, the 9600GT (… you'll need a new power supply at least 300w and 26A on the 12v rail. And most likely upgrading the power supply would require switching to a full size case due to manufacturers not making many slim style power supplys.

How to replace video card?

I got an nVidia GeForce 9800GT for my Dell XPS 410. When I upgrade this card, is there anything I have to do driver-wise before installing the new one, or can i just put it in and install the new drivers after I start it up?|||IM SORRY MAN.....

One thing in Laptops is you can never change there VIDEO CARD.

Go to the mother company, there is a slight chance they might do it for you.

Maybe im wrong try it out.|||Power OFF Instal the new card and then install the new drivers.|||Having upgraded many video cards in my time, here's the best way.

When selecting a new card, make sure you get a card that matches your graphics slot. (i.e. PCI, AGP, PCIE, etc) If you get the wrong type of card you're completely SOL.

Before doing anything, go to the manufacturer's website for the new card and download the latest drivers. The drivers on the included CD are usually old. Don't install them yet, just have them saved on the hard drive ready to go.

Shut down the machine and unplug it. Remove the old card, install the new card. Plug the machine back in and boot it up. It will boot with generic video drivers at very low resolution, so don't worry that your desktop looks terrible. This is why we already downloaded the latest drivers, navigating a web site at this resolution is a big PIA.

Launch the driver install that you downloaded for the new card. Let it do its thing, reboot. You should be good to go when it starts up.

Video card or motherboard problems?

Recently my computer has been crashing when I'm playing graphic intense games and when watching videos(and sometimes it will just be sitting there without any programs in the background running). Most of the time it will just shut down and try to reboot, but it will make these strange long beeping sounds(one long beep, two short;when I checked it said something about video card problems). My husband has tried putting the video card in a different slot but it still does the same thing.

Could it be the video card itself or the motherboard? Is there some sort of test to tell what it is?|||It sounds like it is your video card. Putting it in a different slot will more than likely not fix anything if the video card itself is bad. What you could try to do is buy a cheap video card from someone or like Best Buy and try putting that video card into your computer and see if that fixes the problem. Make sure though that you can take the video card back if it is not the problem or if your video card is the problem but you decide you want a better one than the one you tested from the store.

You said it was making beeping noises that you looked up each motherboard has its own distinct set of system tones the beeping noises that you heard that signal what might be wrong.

You can download this and see what can I motherboard you have


then you can either call the manufacturer or Google the motherboard and the beep pattern to see what is wrong.|||Beep codes during boot indicate that a problem was detected, but a message can't be displayed on the screen. A video card problem would certainly fall into that category.

Could be that your video card is overheating and shutting down. Since it is still hot, it might not be detected during a reboot.

If it is heat related, it would be a good idea to clean the dust out of the PC with a vacuum cleaner. Also, check that all of the fans are operating - especially any fan mounted at the front of the case. (That one would have the greatest effect on the video card.)

If that doesn't help, install another video card. Perhaps your husband could borrow one from another computer for test purposes.|||i also had that problem before. but,the problem settled after i change my motherboard. to test which one is the problem,first you try to download the latest driver for your motherboard and your graphic card.if this don`t settle it,try to remove your graphic card,just use your integrated graphic on board. if the problem still occur,then the problem is at your motherboard.

Does a video card replace VGA memory?

I have a pc with 128mb integrated video memory. If I buy a 128mb video card, will that add to the memory I already have or replace it?

Example: VGA (128) + Card (128) = 256 original memory

or just the 128 of the card?

Thanks|||Once the card using the integrated memory is disabled all that memory will be re-allocated to system use.

You will have an extra 128MB of RAM the operating system.


Philip|||it just replaces it.the on board video chip is disabled.|||No. If you replace another videocard (different from built-in Video Accelerator or Graphic Adapter) You will have to choose one of those video cards. Because you will have to connect your cable of the monitor to one of the Output contacts.

But, whatever, the card that you want to add to your system will probably be better than the built-in one. (usually the built-in adapters have less functions and work slower than the other ones).

Cheap place to buy PNY VCG96GSO7XPB Verto GeForce 9600 GSO 768MB Video Card?

Where can I find a great deal online for PNY VCG96GSO7XPB Verto GeForce 9600 GSO 768MB Video Card|||According to Pricegrabber, the best place to buy the PNY VCG96GSO7XPB Verto GeForce 9600 GSO 768MB Video Card is at Amazon for $88.72.|||PNY VCG96GSO7XPB Verto GeForce 9600 GSO 768MB Video Card

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4 new from $68.98|||Well this isn't the EXACT model you were looking for, but I found an EVGA (<--- major manufacturer of NVIDIA cards) GeForce 9600 GSO.... It has double the video memory for $70…

I found the EXACT model you specified on eBay for $94 here…

that was the cheapest I could find. I would advise getting it from newegg.|||check at

What video card will fit my computer?

I've got a Dell Dimension B110 and i wanted to know what type of video card will fit my machine the video card needs to be able to run world fo war craft so all i need is a video card that will fit my PC and will run world of war craft please let me know|||Just so you know you pc sucks because it does not support pci-express which is all graphics cards have in the last 2 or 3 years and now all new ones are pci-express. You only have pci and i found one that would be good for u…

okay video card especially for pci could play wow pretty good even though i don't play it|||you could get the NVIDIA 7900...its the BEST AGP x8 card they make. you will have to upgrade the power supply tho...

Is there something wrong with my video card?

i noticed recently that my all my games have been too slow.

i use to have have games like call of duty 4 , doom 3 and company of heroes run smoothly on my machine and now they're all too slow. even other games are having the same effect.

is there something wrong with my video card?

what could be wrong?

|||If the games are getting choppy,then it could be your video might want to update it.

However if its just slow on loading and it freezes,it might be your computer.You might have adware and a lot of stuff in your computer. Do some weekly thorough computer scans & check for viruses.Also,try deleting your cookies,that take up a lot of space on in your computer.|||It might be that your computer is clogged with junk files, spyware, or just too much stuff on it totally. Try running a defragmentation and spyware check.

Video card not being detected?

My video card was properly put into the tower, but it's not being detected. System Requirements Lab shows my card on their site with an () next to it, but it doesn't detect anything else and says that it can't be found. What happened?|||Did u load the drivers?

Try loading the drivers and restarting the computer.

When i plug 6 pin power supply to my video card the pc wont turn on...?

its a 9800 gtx with two 6 pin connections. my pc only has one inside so i plug in 1 and pc wont turn on...first time installing a video i have to plug 2 6 pins or 1?|||Yes you have to plug bought of them in for it to be functional.|||The 9800GTX has two 6-pin power connectors for a reason. You NEED to plug in 2 6-pin power cables. If your current power supply has only 1 6-pin power cable, it is NOT enough to power your card and the system.

You will most likely need to purchase a high-wattage power supply that has 2 6-pin VGA connectors.

Is my video card broken on my laptop?

Hi everyone, I was on my laptop the other day checking my email when the screen just went blank. There is still noise and the keyboard lights are still on so do y'all think that my video card is broken??|||It could actually be worse than that. It sounds like it might be your hard drive that failed on you. The video card doesn't have moving parts other than a fan. If you are hearing scratching sounds, it could be that your hard drive is messed up. It really depends on the sound you are hearing if its normal hard drive whirring then it probably is your video card. (Or it could even be the screen died.)

Power supply and the video card?

I have a video card that requires a 300W power supply. the little fan that comes with the video card runs fine on my 250W power supply. every thing looks alright no wear sounds or anything. what can happen if I kip using the 250W power supply with the 300W require video card? is there a possibility that some thing will burn if I push the power supply to more than it can handle?|||a possibility the manufacture wants to cover themselves in case the graphic card fails or overheated it's best to upgrade your psu if you are running other

hardware that require a good amount of power,my nvidia geforce fx 5200

ran for a while at 250 watts power supply but i upgraded it in case i want to upgrade the cpu and the motherboard

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sapphire Video card 3 monitor setup?

Hey I have a Sapphire hd 6850 1 gb video card. Can i set it up with 3 monitors. If I can what would be the best monitors for descent price.|||Short Answer: Yes you can.

Long Answer:

This card is full of problems running 3 monitors. You have to configure everything a very specific way and even then it's flakey. The DisplayPort adapters you have to use like to fail as well. If you're intent on trying it, I highly suggest getting 3 identical monitors. It seems to yield better results when everything is the same vs. 3 completely unique monitors.


Video card upgrade for a Pegatron M2N68-LA mother board?

Im looking for a video card upgrade for my compaq Presario cq5500f( Pegatron M2N68-LA mother board) with a 460watt upgrade, im kinda a noob when it comes to getting a video card. When i was looking for a video card, I saw brand names such as ASUS,diamond, galaxy, giga bite, etc. what does that mean?|||That motherboard supports PCI express graphics card. If you are putting a good/true-rated 460 watt power supply, then consider the Radeon HD 5770 or the Geforce GTS 450 graphics cards. These cards come in various brand names because there are several manufacturers such as those you mentioned.

Is any video card better than no video card?

I'm planning to upgrade my computer which I bought in 2004. It has 2 GB of RAM and 64MB integrated graphics. If I buy a graphics card with 256MB of RAM, will I notice lots of improvement?|||of course anything with more RAM is likely to have a better preformance than 64mb intergrated. also intergrated cards tend to be less powerful than external graphics cards. also you have to consider other things than RAM. RAM is not the only thing that determins a graphics cards effectiveness you also have to look at clock speed..etc. but as to your question basiclly yes you will notice a difference|||Yes you will but you can't put anything powerful on that pc.

All recent video cards use pci-e I doubt your pc uses that.

At that point the processor is bottlenecking the video card

Should I upgrade my drivers, or get a video card?? O_o?

I really don't get this but here's how this goes, so I wanted to play Dragon Age: Origins, but suddenly, it said, "failed to detect video card" , I asked 2 of my computer tech-y friends, one said to buy a new video card, the other said to upgrade my drivers. Someone else told maybe I should get a new computer. I'm really confused here. I really don't know what to do, but my computer is HP Pavilion a6642p , please help!!!!!! O_o I really don't want to waste money.|||Well, this PC is not really for gaming (Graphics wise), you could get a new video card for around 60 or so that will give you the graphics you need for most games. But if you want something to last for future games, you might want to pay around 100-120. i reccomend a GeForce card. check this website for different cards, then email me what idea you have and i can tell you if it will work or not.

look for these names; EVGA, XFX, BFG tech.…

And look around, again, if you want something that lasts and isnt TOOO pricey, you might have to spend around 100-200.|||According to the specifications of your computer, it has an integrated graphics card controller from intel model GMA 3100. Nevertheless, according to the system requirements for the game you need at least an nVidia GeForce 6600 with 256MB or an ATI Radeon X850 if you are running Windows XP and at least an ATI Radeon X1550 256MB or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256MB if you are running Windows Vista. Therefore it looks like your system does not meet the minimum system requirements.

Even if you manage to run the game with the Integrated Card, it won't have a good performance for a great game experience and it is recommended you get an PCI Express x16 video card. The game recommends the GeFoce 8800GTS or ATI Radeon X1550.

I hope you find this information useful.|||System requirements are list down the right side of this page:|||you could of just updated your drivers and if i didn't work buy a new video card.

Cannot download the video card driver for my HP dv9000 laptop?

I had my laptop reformatted due to severe damage from a virus. After the laptop was reformatted, I downloaded all of the missing drivers from, but there is one driver that I cannot download. It is the video driver. Everytime I try to download the driver, it always stops around the 50%-60% point. I cannot download it. It always says it times out. Is there a solution to this and what may be causing this?|||Probably a problem With the file on their server. You can see if they have other mirror sites to get it from. Or try the driver manufacturers website. Be careful if pursuing other download options like freeware sites and the such be sure it is a reliable source or you could end up back where you started. Good luck.

Learn more or ask questions at Free computer Help, computer news, reviews and more.|||Are you downloading the drivers from the official website, that should not be a problem, workaround is you can ask your friend to download the setup file and get it on a flash drive.…|||HP made the computer, try the video card manufactures web site, like|||should be a geforce go model goto NVIDIA,com and get the latest version there will work the same

Is this a good video card to use with FSX?

Is this a good $60.00 video graphics card to use with Flight Simulator X - EVGA - GeForce 8400 GS 512MB DDR2 PCI Graphics Card?|||Why are you looking to buy a PCI card? Don't you have PCI-Express on your motherboard? It'll most likely work but jesus, don't spend $60 on it when you can get it for less:

BFG GeForce 8400 GS 512MB DDR2 PCI - $45 (shipping included)…

Email me the make and model of your computer and/or motherboard. I should be able to figure out a better way than this. Just click on my name and my profile screen will come up with the option to send me an email.

If worse comes to worse and you really ARE stuck with a PCI card, I would recommend at least getting this one:

HIS Radeon HD 4350 512MB PCI…

It's $79 including shipping but it has a mail-in-rebate from HIS for $10USD which brings the price down to $69. Believe me, the extra $9 will be worth it. I'll show you why:

nVidia GeForce 8400 GS:

Passmark 3DMark Score - 140

Passmark 3DMark Rank - 460th in the world…

ATi Radeon HD 4350:

Passmark 3DMark Score - 229

Passmark 3DMark Rank - 328th in the world…

So you see, by spending an extra $9, you get a 64% increase in power. I'd say that's worth it.

Keep in mind though that if you have a PCI-Express slot on your motherboard, that Radeon HD 4350 will be ONE THIRD the price and will perform a LOT better:

Powercolor Radeon HD 4350 512MB PCI-Express v2.0 - $35 (incl. shipping)…

This card ALSO has a $10 mail-in-rebate so it will end up costing you only $25!

Be sure to send me that email.|||For FSX you would want a better card, you can still play it with that card, you would have to use low graphic settings, but for better graphics you should get something better. PCI is the oldest and 3rd best in video card slots. PCI-Express is the best, then AGP, then PCI. Find out what expansion slots your computer has (try the computer manufacturer's website). Only get a PCI card if your computer doesn't have PCI-E or AGP slot. The 8400 GS is an old card with low specs, I would recommend looking for a GeForce 9000 series or Radeon HD 4000 series video cards or something higher if can spend a bit more money.|||No, the Geforce 8400GS is a verrrrrry slow and outdated graphics card.

You can find an Ati 4650 for like $40 bucks that will wipe the floor with it anyday.|||Not really - the GeForce 8400 is kind of slow for most situations when it comes to gaming.

I'd go with at least a GeForce 9500. You can find some models of this card for less than $60.

Video card help standard VGA ghrapics adapter?

I want to play a game on my Pc and I need to know what video card I have got to update drivers it says it is a standard VGA ghrapics adapter and I don't know how to update the drivers note: chip type is nvida - thought that may be it but I want to know card name and I'm runnin windows 7|||Go to Nvida's website and they probably have software that detects your current graphics card.

Or go into device manager (right click computer and hit manage, then find device manager) and look for display adapters. Right click the device listed there, click properties, and go to the driver tab. Then click update driver.

Usually doesn't work, but this also tells you the type of card you have.|||always set a restore point BEFORE updating drivers.

from the command prompt [or "Run" command line in Win XP] type "DxDiag" and then hit enter.

the resulting screen has a Video or Graphics tab which has all the info you need and probably has an "Update Driver" button as well [might be hidden under "advanced" button.] Will work only if you're connected to the Internet.|||Type your model on the support page of the manufacturer's website to see what video card you have.Then you know what to do.Also look at the windows updates website,its very likely to find the driver there|||If the video is part of the mother board then direct your browser to the manufacturer of the MB and download the appropriate driver from there. That is the safest and easiest method.|||Use Windows update to check if you have optional drivers to update.Or u can use programs like Drivermax to identify your drivers.

Can I upgrade the video card on my HP p6649c-b pc? It is much too slow for photoshop.?

It has an ATI Radeon HD 4200 Graphic Chip.

I am running CS4 and it is working very slowly. Can another card be added to this CPU?

Any suggestions for best value card to add? Is it simple to install?|||yes you can. another one can be added|||"Can I upgrade the video card on my HP p6649c-b pc?" - Yes, you have an available PCIe slot for a video card.

But with only a 250w power supply,a lower range video card is what you can use. It wouldn't be much more than your current 4200 chip.

You'd need to upgrade your power supply also.|||Check your motherboard, see if it has a Pci-e x16 slot (1.0, or 2.0, 1.0 just says x16 2.0 says 2.0)

Then you can get a card, for just running CS4 you wont need much. Anything from Geforce 210 (35 dollars, im using it works fine for CS5) Very simple to install, you just put the graphic card into the slot and tighten the screw, than install the drivers from the nvidia site. (the ones that come with the CD are older)

Anything from Nvidia Geforce 210, to Geforce GT 220, ATI Radeon HD 5450, or ATI radeon HD 5550 will do just fine for you. Be aware you will need at least a 300w power supply for all of these.|||The choice of video card doesn't actually matter much for Photoshop. Only certain filters benefit from video hardware, and only when you enable the 'hardware acceleration' option in Photoshop.

You will get better results by upgrading your CPU, RAM, and/or your hard drive.

Also keep in mind that certain actions are slow regardless of your hardware:

- using painting tools with triple-digit brush head sizes

- working with many layers

- working on a large file, zoomed all the way out

- using Photoshop during a virus scan, automatic update, or other scheduled task

Computer Video Card Question?

if my video card is: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM)

will i be able to play a game with: DirectX 9c?|||"NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE" is probably the poorest performing integrated video card currently being sold. It will handle DirectX 9c games, but run them so slowly you had best only be playing very old, very undemanding games.

Is there a way I can enable two monitors and a television simultaneously from the same video card?

I have an ATI Radeon 9600...VGA out, DVI out and S-Video out.

VGA monitor is on all the time.

DVI is hooked up to a DVI-VGA adapter, running to a second monitor.

S-video is going to my TV.

I have to disable the second monitor to enable the there any way around this?


PS Windows XP Professional SP2

AMD athlon running at 2.2 GHZ

1 gb ram|||Hi,

Well there is no way around this issue. The chipset will run TV and any other device simultaneously, but ATI specs state "independent refresh rates for any two connected displays"

Personally, I had the exact same situation. At the time I had an AGP Radeon that would display only 1 monitor and 1 TV; to solve this I bought an NVidia PCI adapter with 2 analog VGA out puts and 1 SVideo. Now I have at least 3 displays running at any time and I could do a nice 4 display combination if necessary. If you choose to install another card, I would look at the ATI PCI option because of compatibility issues. I started with a Radeon based Diamond Stealth which was a nightmare, and the NVidia I settled on required too much effort before it worked well. In 2000 I had an early Radeon with a Rage Pro, both authentic ATI and it was so easy and totally compatible.

Anyway, you will see the above quote if you research the ATI specs for your card.

I hope this is helpful and GOOD LUCK!!|||get a second video card

on the 9600 / 9700 you can drive 2 monitors

but not a TV and a monitor at the same time

I'm looking for a good video card?

I'm looking for a good video card that is PCIe (PCI works as well) for running photoshop and watching HD movies.|||If you are not gaming you don't need much of a video card for HD Movies, you don't need any really for photoshop. I would buy this one for those 2 purposes:…

Cheap and is a decent card, can do decent gaming but not at super high resolution.|||I was just googling and came across this product hope it helps you

EVGA GeForce GTX460 1024 MB DDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card with Lifetime Warranty

GeForce GTX 460 with 675 MHz core clock

PCI Express 2.0

1024 MB 256 bit 2.5ns GDDR5 memory

3600 MHz memory clock and 1350 MHz shader clock

Windows XP, Vista and Windows7 support…

Also check out at Ebay…|||My suggestion is ATI HD5670. Best choice for sub 100$ cards. It can easily handle HD movies and Photoshop, also it is really good for games, and it has DX11 !!!|||try something small like an 8200 from nvidia, usually works pretty good for minor stuff

What video card comes closest to the xbox 360's graphics?

i would like to know what video card has about the same power from nvidia|||One that was manufactured 2-3 years ago.

And will not play todays games.


|||i cant be sure which is closest but i can tell you that any new card out right now will demolish the 360 GPU....and the 360 uses an ATI gpu....

Why does my video card just freeze in the middle of games?

Whenever im playing a game in my pc, my video card will just go slow motion (like 1 frame per second). I dont know whats wrong with it. I have a PCI-BUS Nvidia geforce fx5500 128mb. I have tried to install all the drivers, and I even reinstalled windows on my pc but it keeps doing that. Any help?|||Many things could be causing this. It might for instance be a sound issue, turn down your sound acceleration in directx, you also might try different directx video acceleration, you can reduce the the video and sound options in the games, you might also turn anything off that is loading at startup or running in the background.|||Could be a couple of things but I'll bet it's a memory issue. Games require tons of RAM. Pull up you process monitor (CTL ALT DLT) and watch your memory usage in the performance window. (And watch the processor graph) Do this in a separate window so you can play and watch the usage at the same time.|||Sounds like a heat issue. Buy a can of compressed air, open up your PC, take it outside and blow all the dust that's inside the case away. A can will cost you about $3, and if you haven't done it already, it's a good idea to do it about every 6 months. Dirt can get into all those little spots in the heat sink and clog it up, heating up your system and reducing it's life span.|||you need more ram

Put in different video card and need standard VGA diver?

i took the video card out of an hp media center pc m377n and i found on the net where its supposed to be an ati 9200 with 128. so i download the drivers and the install get so far and then said "Try to setup your display adapter with a standard VGA diver before running setup." how do i do this?|||try windows update if you have the card installed. If you have no driver currently installed, 9 times out of 10, windows update will automatically find you the best and most stable driver for your card.

It sounds like your trying to install the wrong driver.|||the fact is, if you can see something on the screen, then windows is already using the VGA driver.

What you need to do is find the EXACT driver for your video card and install it. Other drivers that aren't compatible will give you those sort of errors.

Can i use a video card with a dvi port on a motherboard that has no dvi port?

buying a motherboard the doesn't come with a dvi port and plan on upgrading video watching and gaming later on by adding a video card|||yes you can, the video card generates the video so what your motherboard has doesn't matter.|||What type of question is that?

Does a square block fit in the circular hole? No.

Can the Emachines T5226 have a new video card installed?

Can i buy a new video card for my Emachines T5226? namely the Radeon HD4670 1G DDR2 PCI Express 2.0|||yes, you can. the T5226 motherboard has a pci-e x16 socket what is the right one for a HD4670.

what you have to take in consideration is the power supply. it must be at least 250W in order to run that graphics card, better would be 300W but you can try anyway if your PC has a 250W psu.

How can i make my video card cooler ? i got the bfg 8800gt oc and which case would u recommend ?

this is the hp computer i got

my computer run hot and so does the video card im usin a house fan to cool it plz help thank you|||The 8800 tends to run hotter than other cards, but with an aftermarket heatsink it should be fine.

This heatsink should take care of the video card:…

The fact that you need a fan to cool down your system means that something is wrong - have you tried contacting HP? you may have a problem with one of the fans, or the way that the heatsinks are mounted.

If you are looking to move your system to a new case I would recommend a ATX size case - it will be less crowded, and will offer better cooling options than a micro ATX case.

Budget case ($35):…

Midrange case ($60):…

High-end case ($100):…

Top notch ($150 ann higher):………|||Well, there's a good chance that the HP uses a mobo with proprietary standoff holes and/or other dimensions. In which case theres nothing you can really do short of getting an aftermarket cooler for the 8800GT, (which may be the best solution). If you are lucky the board will conform to ATX standards and you will be able to mount everything in a new case. I use the Antec Nine Hundred , it has great air flow and lots of room.|||Im suprised the 8800 fits in there.

Thermaltake cases are nice. Lots of space for airflow and such.|||You could try (if you are brave) replace the heatsink and fan on the graphics card. There's a selection of coolers here:…

You could underclock your graphics card. Using nTune you can make the card run slower (producing less heat) than it does now:…

Which video driver (card) is better?

I just got a new hp pentium d 3GHZ system, on board is a Intel 950 accelerator 82945G express chipset driving the video. I have in my old computer a Nvidia Geforce4 MX4000 3D Fuzion graphics card. Should I install the Geforce card or run with whats on board? Which will play games better?|||The onboard is better, but there are several games that won't run on it at all, and some others that will render incorrectly or very slowly. For a good gaming experience, you'll have to get a modern discrete graphics card.|||cant answer unless we know what you have on there, unless its the cheezy internal motherboard video if its the mobo doing the video get that g4ce in there right now.|||the onboard is optimized for the system it will work better than the card Intel favors ati cards the pent4 and intel chip sets they use hyper threading whereas the nvidia sides with the amd and hyper transport

Hello. I need help hooking up my HDMI video card to my LCD HDTV....?

I have a 5450 video card with HDMI out. I plug it into my TV HDMI. Scroll through the TV menu, and there is no connection being read. I have the latest 10.3 drivers.

Could it be a wrong hdmi chord? their mostly 1.3b now. Are there option in the CCC that I have to change.

Shouldn't it just be a simple plug'n'play thing.

thanks in advance.|||Yeah it should pop up on the input that its connected into. Try setting the TVs resolution before you hook it up. So use an old monitor and change the res to whatever the tv is like 1080p for example. Then close her down and reconnect the tv and try again.

Can a 250W power supply run this video card?

Here is the video card I'm curious about:|||It would be close. The 9500GT only has a TDP of 50 watts, so it's not a power hungry card. But your 250 watt PSU isn't much either. For that PSU, you're better off with a Radeon 5550 it's faster than a 9500GT and uses even less power.|||No.

System Requirements

350-watt power supply recommended|||no you will need atleast a 350 watt 500 would probally be the best|||yes it can.

What kind of video card do i need?

how can i figure out what kind of video card would be compatible with my MB? i have a fairly old pc but trying to find out what kind of videocard it uses so i can search around for a better one hopefully used or something.|||check out at Amazon…

Also check out at Ebay…

What video card do you suggest?

I went on '', and did a test for TES4: Oblivion, and I failed the test. The only thing I failed was the video card section. I have a:Intel(R) 82915G"GV"910GL Express Chipset

the minimum is: 128MB Direct3D compatible video card (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700+ / ATI Radeon 9500+)

But what do you guys suggest?|||Depending on your price range an Nvidia 8600, 8800 or 9800 should be more than sufficient, assuming you have a PCIe slot.

Really any card with at least 128mb of memory should run it quite well. Running games off of onboard video graphics is usually not the greatest quality and sometimes nonexistent.

Newegg: Can I return a video card if not satisfied with it?

I bought a video card from newegg but I found a better one for cheaper, would I be able to return it for a different card within 30 days no problem? Nothing is wrong with it it's just the other card is a lot more powerful for less.|||contact newegg and ask them

since nothing is wrong with it

morally you need to keep it

maybe resell to someone else

Will PCI-express video card fit into any PCI slots?

I'm old school and I'm trying to buy a new (and cheap) video card for an old computer with PCI slots. I'm wondering if the PCI-express cards will be compatible to the PCI slots (running AMD athlon on epox board). Thanks in advance.|||nooooo

only in PCI go with PCI



Is a 64MB Dedicated and up to 1.7GB Video card is good for designing in 3dsmax, autocad . . .?

I bought a new notebook PC, HP Pavilion dv5, which has a 4GB RAM and Intel core 2due processor, etc...

But its graphics card : Intel 4 series which have 64MB dedicated video memory, and total available graphic memory 1768MB, is that working?

and is this computer good for graphic and 3d designing?|||If you're looking to do 3D designing I would say you should buy a desktop with a good graphics card, rather than a laptop. A 64MB Dedicated graphics card is terrible by today's standards, it will work but rendering will take some time.|||Laptops can be used for 3d design, but desktops are better. Back in college people always brought in their laptops to do their work on 3dsmax. They would almost always use the desktops for rendering though. So I guess the true question would be, do you want to render on your laptop as well?

"Game" is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly...?

are out of date or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers."

What does this mean and what can I do to fix it? I'm just trying to install a virtual world game. Thanks.|||Right click on Computer, go to Manage, Device Manager. Click on display adapters, and right click on the device listed below. Click update driver. This should take care of it. If it doesn't, or Windows can't find a driver, you'll have to find what video card you have, go to the site of the manufacturer, find the model, and download the latest driver yourself.

Which Prebuilt desktops for decent all-around use? Already have a Geforce 8600 GTS video card?

I need a new cheap prebuilt desktop for decent gaming and basic use. I play FPS games, sports games, RPG games on my PC as well as basic web surfing and movie watching. I plan to use my Geforce 8600 GTS from my old PC unless someone reccomends me a desktop that comes with a better video card. I am willing to spend up to $500.|||you can just build a really good one for at least less then $550. and 8600gts isn't good enough for modern games. its good for game from 2007 and less. and u can see walk through from you tube and other site. or u can just buy a new one for about $400 and get like a good graphic card and a 500W psu. let me give u an advice NEVER buy a used desktop. trust me, i have been through it.

What is needed to run Windows Aero, a video card or a graphics card ?


I've got a Windows Vista Ultimate edition on my computer.

In my computer I've no video card , and my graphics card is VGA , and I want to have windows aero.

The video card and the graphics card are expensive , so I can only buy one of these, the thing is , i don't know which one is needed to have Windows Aero, a Video Card or a Graphics Card or Both ?

please help me ?

thanks|||Graphics and video cards are the same thing, so that should clear a ton of confusion.

First thing you should do is look to see whether you have pci-e x16 slots on your motherboard or agp x8 slots. In the case of PCI slots (modern), i recommend for a budget an ati radeon 3850 (90$) or an nvidia geforce 9500 GT (70$). These will easily handle aero and graphic intensive stuff with ease. If youve got a little more money, you should look at the blazing fast ATI 4850 (170$) or Nvidia 9800 GTX+ (200$).

I have windows aero, and i never use it. You should get a card because it makes your computer run much smoother, not for some windows feature. |||Well I am personally using an NVIDIA Geforce 9800 Black edition which is $239.99. I think when microsoft released vista they required at least a decent video card if you have an onboard intel GMA 950 which is relatively old then you're in good shape. Or if you have some super amazing high power graphics card then yes, no questions asked|||Video card = graphics card. They're the same thing.

You will probably need to spend at least 75 to 80 dollars to get a graphics card decent enough to run aero. But without knowing anything about your computer, it's impossible to recommend one.

I am thinking of getting a new video card for my computer. I am a gamer. Any sugestions.?

I currently have Intel® 82845G Graphics Controller 64MB. It's pretty old. I like to play games on my computer but I don't want to get top of the line because I don't want to pay very much. I have a compaq presario 2.80 GHz intel celeron prosesor, 512 MB Ram and 80GB hard drive. I don't know a lot about computers. I am looking for somethibng to upgrade my old video card without realy over doing it for my computer. Please help.|||I'd first recommend a RAM Upgrade. While 512 is sufficient for most applications, it helps to have more RAM for games. You're processor seems like its fast enough, so no worries there.

As far as a video card, it really depends on how much you want to pay. The more expensive the card, usually, the better it will be. NVIDIA is usually the top choice for gamers. You can find some of their chips in "off brand" video cards that work fairly well. I use a GeForce 5200 and games like Call Of Duty 2 run really well. The card I bought is actually Chaintech brand.

You will notice a significant improvement in both graphics on games and performance of your computer in general. I'm assuming your Intel is built into the computer. My computer has virtually the same graphics card, but I upgraded to the one I mentioned above.

To run games coming out now, I'd recommend a video card with at least 128MB. Anything less will be too slow.

Good luck!

P.S. Check the graphics card chipset requirements on the game you want to play (under system requirements/recommendations), that will also help you make a decision when choosing a new graphics card.|||I don't know anything about games but your picture is so cute|||Well before I can give you a real good idea of what video card you should get I need to know what kind of slots are avilable on your motherboard. There are 4 different kinds. PCI, AGP, PCIEx16 and PCIEx1. PCIEx16 is the best, but its fairly new so if your computer is more than a few years old you probably only have AGP, which is fine as well. Some Dell computers only have regular PCI (which will seriously limit your choices) You'll have to get a tech friend to see which slot type you have.

However, if you have PCIEx16 and a power supply capable of supporting it (at LEAST 400watt, 450 or 500watt reccomended) I would suggest this card (or a similar model). Its not the highest end one out there but it is the most bang for your buck you're gonna find.…

If you only have AGP then this card is about as high end as you'll be able to go without getting a new motherboard.…

On board video card, how to activate?

I think I burned my video card, not really sure, is there a way for me to activate my on board video card....|||easiest way is to take out the other GFX card. Should default to onboard of there's no PCI card

Why won't world of warcraft run properly on my computer do i need a new video card?

the graphics flicker when i enter the login menu and my computer restarts automatically. i have an intel pentium 4 with 3.00e ghz with hyper threading technology,2 gigs of ram an 8x graphics card with 128mb of video memory, an ati radeon 9200 series video card. i have not updated my video drivers since i bought my computer back in 2004|||No way ! i am running it on celleron 1.5ghz!

Try setting refresh rate of your screen card and screen higer and if you can wow`s refresh rate|||Update the drivers.|||Its pretty important to upgrade video drivers if your playing any games.

As far as your computer restarting automatically -- thats probably unrelated.

Since your computer was purchased back in 2004, you may want to open up the case after you've shut it down, and used a compressed air can to blow out any dust thats in the fans. It could be overheating - thus explaining why it restarts.|||Your last sentence answered your own question. It's because you haven't updated the drivers. Try that.|||update the drivers... wow

Looking for a new video card?

i think its time to get a new video card.... whats a good brand and can any1 show me a good video card i can get for video games from circuit city best buy or frys?|||Check out they have better prices than either of the stores.... Usually $50 cheaper for better cards. Many cards at newegg you cannot even get at best frye or city circuit...|||Choose what level of power you want in a graphics card first. If you game and want nvidia, choose a card where the last 3 numbers are 800 or above. For example, 8800, 8800gt, 9800 gt, etc. For ati it is usually the last two numbers.500-600 in nvidia is meant for videos, photos, and general home use with light gaming. Then go with a brand with the best warranty since all the cards are really the same. EVGA has a flexible warranty. XFX's is pretty good too. For more than acceptable gaming at a good price, an nvidia 9600 gt will set you back about 120 and is great for high def movies and such.

HP D325 video card questions?

I am trying to find a video card with 128mb/pixel shader 2.0 so I can play sims 3

Any suggestions on video cards that have these specs for fairly cheap?|||This computer will never be capable of playing Sims 3, no matter what graphics card you put in it because it has a very weak processor and is severely outdated. It's long past time to save up for a newer computer.

If you're determined to fit a new graphics card then you need a low powered half height AGP card, which won't be very powerful.

Your specs:

Windows XP

Athlon single core processor +3200 or less

nForce2 chipset

Max mem: 2GB

Max HDD - 160GB

AGPx8 graphics bus

There's no other way to describe these specifications than outdated. My friend had an nForce2 motherboard when my daughter was a baby, she's nearly ten years old now.

Advisable power supply for a 9800gt video card?

i need to buy a new power supply unit and a video card . i like the 9800gt video card but what power supply should i get - how much watts . also how much is the minimum


HP Pavillion a6650f

amd quad core 2.2 GHZ processor [9550]

6gb of ram

500gb hdd

vista home premium 64bit|||The 9800GT doesn't actually draw much power. According to nVidia, it draws a maximum of 105 watts:… (click on the specifications tab).

That's nothing compared to their top-of-the-line GTX295, which draws a maximum of 289 watts!… (the power figure is also under the specifications tab).

Anyway, the 9800GT's 105W draw is 9.75 Amps on the +12V rail.

Your Phenom Quad Core will draw 125 watts, which is 10.5 Amps on the +12V.

Rest of your HP Pavilion (since it's a microATX machine with just 1 HDD, 1 ODD, and can run just 1 video card, which means NO SLI), will pull 5 amps. Add all those amps up, and you got a total load of 25 Amps maximum draw on the +12V rail.

You can actually run that whole setup on a Corsair 400W PSU with 30 Amps on the +12V rail, with 5 Amps of headroom to spare (which is plenty enough to power anything else you can possibly ever stuff into a tiny microATX setup like that HP). You do not need a 600W PSU.|||For any moderately high end video card, like the 9800gt, at least a 600 watt power supply is recommended. If you can't find a moderately priced one, you can probably get by with a 500 watt supply without a problem.

I would check newegg for a power supply, they usually have pretty good deals on computer hardware.|||I'd recommend a 500W or 600W power supply, but a high amperage on the 12 volt rail(s) is also important. Video cards use quite a bit of amps, so look through the power supplies, and buy the one with the most amperage.

For an example, my 430W PSU has a total of 38 amps (better than the average voltage regulation) on the 12v rails, which means It can run my video card on it (ATi 4870).

Some good, trustable PSU brands would be: Antec, Thermaltake, and Corsair. Energy Efficiency is also a big thing

Good PSU's that are under $100:…… (NOTE: ONLY HAS ONE 12V RAIL)|||one of the best PSU's out there is PC Power & Cooling...go with the 500W to be sure you'll have enough power not only for the 9800 but I'm sure you'll want to upgrade other items also! Check for prices. dont go "cheap" on a PSU...your case, PSU, and fans will probibley out last the rest of the computer! At least that way you wouldn't have to replace everything!|||i would say any decent 400w would be minimum, but if you don't want to take the risk go with a 500w (any new psu should be efficient enough for your needs)

make sure it has a six pin pci-e connector (or more)

To get proper FPS, do I need to re-install video card after upgrade of CPU?

No gaming. Just video. Memory core speed at 270. Specs say 800. If I re-install video card, will it see the new CPU and re-adjust memory core speed? Old CPU 2.53 Celeron-D New CPU 2.8 P4 Northwood|||you shouldn't have to.|||Urg... you probably upgraded to a CPU that's not compatible with your motherboard.|||update the video card driver.

Is More Than One Video Card Necessary?

I am buying a new desktop and I am wondering if more than 1 video card would be necessary. I am getting the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT 1GB 16X PCI Express|||First off, you need an SLI mobo and a decent power supply. With that out of the way, SLI is only necessary if you're a hardcore gamer. Having dual GPU's gives he computer more power, so you can play at higher resolutions with decent FPS. However, if you're gaming, and you play FPS's a lot, then don't. If you ever watch pro players, they always best all the settings on low so that the head gets bigger since there are less pixels. If you're going to be video editing, or picture editing, then two cards is worth it. Apps like PhotoShop need good graphics. But, if you have the money, do it. It will only make your computer last longer.|||No, unless, it can be bridged with another video card, and having two bridged memory cards is really only necessary if you are going to be doing a lot of hard-core gaming or heavy HD-video editing or Blu-Ray watching. The only bonus is added video memory through the bridge, if they're bridged, which you wont need anyways if you're getting a 1GB graphics board.|||you're fine with one videocard.. actually ram has a lot to do with it too.. if you want it for gaming, the card you got is very good, just get 4gb of ram and you're good :)

actually the only game i found 2 videocards to be useful with and make a difference was flight simulator x on highest settings.|||

Keep in mind that your logic board has to support SLI. More memory in the graphics department my friend;... well there is nothing wrong with that at all!!! Two cards working together your going to find that the games you play are just going to look amazing.. However see if your logic board supports it first, if not well your SOL |||

No its not necessary, its a marketing gimmick.|||With that card, not really. If you want two, build your own comp.|||only if you NEED to use two or more monitors.

ASUS M4A89GTD PRO USB3 , video card already installed?

i looked a review in a website , and it say onboard vga ( whats vga? video card?) - ATI RADEON 4290 GPU , does this mean the motheboard has already a video/ graphics card installed? can i change it to a RADEON HD 6850? if not tell me some other video/ graphics card that is almost same in comparison with radeon hd 6850 with performance and price|||vga stands for video graphics adapter

pretty much all motherboard have onboard VGA. this is too keep costs down for builds that dont need graphics cards.

onboard vga is fine for general use and the newer ones such as the 4290hd are very good for watching hd movies and some very low level games such as total war games.

i actually have this exact motherboard with a 1055t in it and can highly recommend it.

the onboard vga is not removable from the motherboard it is part of the chipset and as gpus go is rubbish as it will be its only designed for a general use computer not a gaming one.

i personally also have a 6850 hd

as soon as the motherboard detects a graphics card in pci e slot 1 then it will disable the onboard vga (in this case the 4290 hd) and run using the 6850 hd

also in this motherboard make sure you read the instructions you need to insert the switch card into the pci card slot closest to the cpu to direct more bandwidth when only using one card to the slot one thats actually the slot furthest from the cpu (i didnt understand this setup either but its still an amazing motherboard got my 1055t to 4.5ghz stable overclock i was amazed)

so to answer your question onboard vga is very normal and yes you can put a graphics card in, you can actually put 2 graphics cards in crossfire if you want :)|||"onboard vga" means that the video adapter is part of the mobo.

Yes, you can install another video card.

Good Luck

I have 128MB of video card. yet i can't play Rise of nations.?

pop up window appears and say: Graphics services failed to initialize. Please make sure that your video card and drivers are correctly installed, and are compatible with rise of nations.

i have installed latest drivers too. but possible results.|||try reinstalling your directx|||These are the minimum requirement. You got to have all.

* One of the following Microsoft operating systems:

o Microsoft Windows 98

o Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition

o Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me)

o Microsoft Windows 2000

o Microsoft Windows XP

* A 500 megahertz (MHz) Processor.

* 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM.

* 16-MB 3D Video Card.

* 800 MB of hard disk space.

* Audio card with speakers or headphones.

* A modem that supports 56 kilobytes (Kb) per second or better Internet connection for multiplayer or online games.

What is your DirectX? Try installing a newer version.|||1.I want know which company's Graphics Card u Brought?

2.U installed Drivers Correctly?

If u want check ur Graphics Card installed Properly, just go to display properties and check screen resolution, OK.

Rise Of Nation Will Support 128 Graphics Card,OK.

What is the typical memory capacity of a high end video card?

and how does the memory effect the quality of the video?|||Two things. There's the memory, than the memory bus-width. For example, there's the 7600gt 256mb ram/128-bit. Than there's the 7800gt 256mb ram/256-bit. The latter destroys the former.

If you want to game at a resolution of 1600x1200 and lower than all you need is 512mb ram/256-bit, which most, mid-range/high end cards are.

The 8800gt was considered High-end 6 months ago, and was around $225. Today you can find it for $99-125, and it still kicks but.………

Here is some information you can read on Video cards that will turn you into a Video card Expert.......……

after you skim those, it should make it more clear. When it shows the Memory MHZ/Speed in the charts, you have to multiply those by 2 to get their 'Effective' speeds. So a card that says 600mhz core/900mhz memory, is really 600mhz core/1800mhz 'effective' memory.

There are a few more factors you have to think about. It's called Shader Processors, those are just as important as memory. I don't know much about that topic, but I know the more the better. There is also the MHZ/Speed of the GPU and what DirectX number they are.

DirectX 10 is the newest program/version. Newer cards are capable of this. DirectX10 is the successor to DirectX9 and so on. It allows programmers to add better graphics that the cards can render.

I'm getting confused now after all of this so I'll just stop there.

But to answer your question....

512mb, 768mb, 896mb and 1024mb.

It doesn't 'effect' the video quality of movies, or a of video games. It allows you to crank the graphics up higher and play at higher resolutions, so the game looks 'crisper'. You can use a low end 8600gt to play video games and HD/Blu-ray movies. You can also play a game with medium settings, medium resolutions. If you used a high end card to play that same game with medium settings and medium resolution, both games would look exactly the same. However, your frames per second would be lower on the 8600gt. Your Eyes can't notice anything below 30frames per second, so if an 8600gt can't play assassins creed at 1280x1024 and high settings above 30fps, than you will get a terrible/choppy gaming experience, than you pick up a GTX 280 and your game is going to play at a much higher resolution and a much higher graphics settings with well over 30fps.

Here is a link to sort of figure out what Frames per Second is all about. Those charts are time frames and during intense battles and graphics situations it puts strain on the cards and lowers the FPS, so you will notice 'DROPS' in the FPS(frames per second). A low end card would register at the bottom of those charts, and if it dips below 30fps all the time, it won't be much fun to play.


Just recently Nvidia released the GTX series. 260/280. They come with 1024/512-bit bus. and 896/444-bit bus. This is meant for higher resolutions such as 1920x1200 and 2500x1600(30" display).

You also have to consider the processor you have. If you only have a Pentium 4 3.0ghz with an 8800gt, your game might only be 50 frames per second, because the processor can't supply the video card with enough info. If you get a Core 2 Duo and overclock it to 4.0ghz, it will let the video card show it's true potential and you could get 150fps in the exact same game with the exact same settings.

On the flipside is ATI, the 'other' video card manufacturer. They just released the 4870 and 4850. They only have 512mb, and a 256-bit bus. However, the 4870 comes with GDDR5 memory, so it's clocked at 3600mhz (effective) so the smaller memory/bus-width is able to keep up with the Nvidia cards at higher resolution.

6 months ago, high end was the 8800gtx/8800gts g92 core, 9800gx2, and the 3870x2(basically two cards on one chip). These cards were $500 bucks. Now you can find them for $199.

The king of the hill now is the 4870x2, 2 GPU die's on one card(2-in-1) and the GTX 280. Both are the top cards for NVIDIA and ATI.

The video card market it so sweet right now, because with these two monsters being released, the old high end cards are dropping in prices like nobody's business.|||1 GB and it won't effect video quality|||512 - 1 GB is typical for performance video cards.

Higher amounts of video RAM are used for caching textures and graphical elements - this is mostly used by 3-D game programs. So more Video RAM helps the programs which are designed to use it, and will make little or no difference to most programs, which are not designed to exploit it.|||This type of hardware change rapidly. Today, people would typically get 512MB on their video cards. However, 1GB would be the typical in 6 months, so today it is 1GB I'd say for the highest performance.This memory is like RAM. The more memory you have the better your game will run. For example if a game uses a lot of Video RAM and you don't have enough the game will run real slow, or sometimes it won't even start. What would affect the quality of the video is more likely the chip of the video card, if it doesn't support the graphics it won't be able to show the rendering of the models, or objects. But, as talking of the memory size, I'd say that it would only affect speed. Although, you have to see that the card is compatible with the game or that it supports the game. Because although you have 1gb of memory in the video card, and the card doesn't support the game, the lots of memory will be useless.