Sunday, May 6, 2012

Guyz need some advice on buying a motherboard and video card?

hi guyz i need some advice on buying a motherboard (pcie) and a video card (256mb)that is budgeted for 100$?... any cheap boards that is appropriate for my pentium 4HT... ??|||buy the most affordable branded stuffs you can find and it would be better if you check their warranty services....|||try AS Rock or HIS|||Well sorry those prices are to cheap for you to get good value for those items.

I can suggest going on ebay or trying going to computer store and asking if you can buy one of their older motherboards and video cards.|||Check they generally have way better deals and you can search by price. That's where I got my video card!|||Theirs no sense in putting that togehter if you just want cheap parts. I just built a computer. I used an asus deluxe board and a pny 512 card. The board was 120.00 and te card was about 240. Your best bet is to buy those parts from ebay. Thats were your going to get the best deal.|||you can check on the newer mother boards have a built in video card on them.|||FIRST know what you want to do with your pc.

That determines your equipment needs. Sadly this is usually considered after it does not do what it was bought for...

$100 budget limits you to used or stolen.

Most mb alone are in that range. You want one compatible to your case style and microprocessor type.

From stratch I have built many pc's for $500 to several thousand.

Lack of sufficient RAM is the number two problem with store bought pc's. The other is all that crap software loaded into your pc with NO OS disk. Which makes it painful to remove and impossible to recover from certain hardware problems.

Which forces you to buy RAM and an OS or new pc. That by the way is NOT by accident.

So why not buy better components(like mb) and an OS that you can reload when necessary. Easier to reformat and reinstall OS on a HD than to try and remove certain problems.. like AOL, Norton AV,certain viruses, etc|||Do a little reaseach and check out ebay!!! Ebay has the best deals,,Everywhere else is somewhat taxed!! I personally like ASUS M.Boards and Geforce video card!!|||Try the ECS P4M800-M7 LGA775 matx motherboard w/ video, audio, lan, and sata raid. Around $70

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