Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What kind of Video Card do I need?

ok so I have a dell, about three years old (no svideo)... I want to be able to watch my videos on my older not hdtv television. I do not want to use the tv permanently- just for home video, backups of movies, etc... I need thorough explanations. anyone out there capable?|||First you need to go to Dell's site and put in you service tag number. That way you can find out what type cards your pc can take. Like pci, agp, pcie. Once you know that info, you can go to and research the cards to find the one you need that fits your slot type. TigerDirect has the same stuff, and ships faster, but costs more.

While not a direct answer, it is the path you need to take!|||id assume its pcie due to the age of the machine. an hd2400 would do it.…

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