Monday, May 7, 2012

My video card went out on my computer. How do I boot from my CD-ROM (cause i have new hardware.)?

I put a new video card in it and I need to boot from a CD-ROM when my monitor is not working with the video card yet. How do I make my monitor work with this video card (when it is not installed yet) If unknown then how do I boot from my CD-ROM where I can install the video card.|||If you installed a new video card, and still do not get video when first booting up the computer, you have more issues than a bad video card. I would suspect the motherboard is bad, or another device. Most, if not all video cards have default drivers that work in a safe mode, so when you install a new card, you should see your POST screen, if your not seeing anything at all, then something else is wrong and your old video card was probably fine. Something I like to do, is remove any card ie..modem, network card etc that you can and try booting the computer. Sometimes those will go bad and keep the computer from going into its POST mode. If you still dont get a screen, try pulling the memory cards out one at a time, try booting, if still no go, try the other memory card,and try booting. If still nothing, than you probably have a motherboard problem. Also, make sure you are putting your monitor cord on the correct video output, and make sure your monitor is turned on. Seems like a "duh" thing, but I have seen people force a monitor cable into a serial port. Good luck.|||need to go to BIOS for that

basically when you start computer, press either F8 or F12

ESC for older comp

and you are in BIOS

check out boot settings

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