Friday, May 4, 2012

Could any video card fit in any lap top or coumputer?

im just asking cause im thinking about buying a video card for my laptop for counter strike source.|||You can't buy video cards for laptops. You are not able to install video cards for laptops. Video cards for laptops are different sizes then desktop video cards. The only way to upgrade your laptop is maybe add some ram (if there is a ram slot). Also, if you want to add a video card to your desktop, you need to see if you have the right video card slot to fit it in (ie pci-e, agp).|||No, not all graphic cards will fit on the same motherboard and I'm not so sure but I think you should contact your manufacturer to see upgrades on laptops.|||if newegg don't sell, don't even bother with it, also if you take stuff out of laptop is very hard to put it together without any problem. Just get a new pc... latest model of dell and hp their starting line up aleady has the new video card like geforce 8.|||Only until recently. Now, new laptops like the Clevo D900c can (link below for example)…

Newer laptop that specify in having MXM technology can upgrade, but even then you need to make sure you buy one that is guaranteed to fit in that laptop. For example, the D900C has MXM IV, which means that it can accept new video cards as long as they are made for laptops and MXM IV cards.|||no and no

no number 1: the video card needs to be compatible with the motherboard, ...

no number 2: if you want to update your computers hardware you should have bought a desktop pc, its "impossible" to install a video card into a laptop|||No. you have to get a specific one that fits your laptop.|||You generally can't change the video built into laptops, only desktop computers.

When it comes to desktops, it depends on the AGP or PCI slots on the motherboard to determine what video cards you can use. Each of the slots has different variations (like AGP 2X, 4X, 8X, etc.). You have to find out what slots the motherboard in your desktop computer has.

If you're using a laptop, you're stuck with what it already has.|||Laptop cards are part of the motherboard and can not be changed.|||its not just a matter of fitting it has to be compatible for instance puting a top of the line nvidia in a old packerd bell would just cause problems even if it fit|||NO|||Short Answer: No!

Long Answer: No, and here is why. Laptops are generally* stuck with what they have as it is soldered into the computer and will not easily come out. Computers are limited by a variety of factors, the biggest of which is Form Factor. Both of the Video card and of the computers motherboard. There are three form factors out there, PCI-Xpress, AGP, and PCI (in order of best to worst). PCI-Xpress is far faster than any of the other two, and because of that are far suprerior video cards.

Another of the limiting factors on video cards for PC is the PSU (Power Supply Unit) in the computer, higher end video cards require more power, and if they do not recieve the right amount will not function correctly. This also applies for running a computer in SLI (Two or more video cards running in unison)

*To change parts in Laptops requires more work than is even remotely worth it (short of adding RAM)

I think this is about all that you wanted to know (in more detail than you probably wanted)

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