Sunday, May 6, 2012

Is the gtx 560 ti a good video card or is there a better card i could get but in the same price range?

Like questions says is it good or is there a card that is equal to or better but around the same price which is like 250$|||Yes.|||It is an excellent card, the competitor is the AMD HD 6950. It is in the same price range and usually beats the 560ti in most benchmarks. To figure out which is best for you take a look at the benchmarks for the games you want to play.

Also, if you decide on the 560ti, I recommend the GTX 560ti twin frozr II from MSI. It comes with an excellent cooler and a factory overclock. And is easily overclocked further.

If you decide on the 6950 then I recommend the Gigabyte HD 6950 OC edition. It too comes with an excellent cooler and a factory overclock.|||The GTX 560 Ti is a really good card. A comparable AMD card is the Radeon HD 6950. Its really a personal preference thing, because their performance is pretty close.…

This overclocked 6950 is a really good one.…|||The GTX 560 ti is a great card. What king of gaming are you going to be doing?

I'm running an XFX Radeon HD 6870 (only $160) and can play BF3 on all high settings with no lag what so ever. (have not tried any Ultra settings yet)|||no thats pretty much best for that price range

go to link|||Yeah it's an excellent card. The only comparable one in that price range is the AMD 6950 Radeon|||the 580 from nvidia is the best

check out the AMD radeon 6990

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