Friday, May 4, 2012

Why does my video card have dual DVI?

I recently bought a 9500 GT and it says on the card features "two

dual-link DVI" and one HDTV. PLus2-way SLI? Will it still work on my PC

if i plug in one of them but not both? |||dual DVI -> this is for 2 monitors or to use a monitor with very high resolutions

HDTV-> is an interface for digital sound and video (better than DVI)

SLI->> if your motherboard is SLI ready then you can install 2 videocards that work as one, this is done mostly for gaming purposes

But yes it will work just fine with your system. Look for your monitor to have a DVI connector, better yet an HDMI connector (get better quality), If your monitor has VGA connector the videocard should come with some DVI-to-VGA converter, if not - it is a preaty cheap one

good luck|||Yes it will work, as an option you can set a second monitor up|||Single link DVI can support a resolution of 1920 x 1200 maximum on one monitor.

Dual link DVI can support a resolution of 2560 × 1600 maximum on one monitor.

If you want two monitors, you can plug each monitor into its own port, and get the Single Link DVI resolution on each monitor.

I have a 24" LCD running at 1920 x 1200 and it is great.

I will soon install a dual-monitor card and add another 24" LCD to find out how it willl work.

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