Friday, April 27, 2012

A second video card for a Dell XPS 420?

I have a Dell XPS 420 with pretty much maxed out everything, (Of what i could at the time). I currently have a Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT. i am thinking about getting a second video card. 2 questions... 1- do i have to get the same card, 2- is it worth the cost. (My comp runs fine with one, but with the increase in game performances, i think i might eventually need a second card.|||Your computer only has 1 PCI-Express x16 slot so you wouldn't be able to use another video card unless you removed your present one.|||In order to increase your performance down the road you will have to buy the same card. This is because video cards don't normally work together unless connected using SLI. You will have to check if your motherboard supports this.|||Your Dell cannot run SLI as far as I can tell.

Buying A Laptop, Will A 256 Video Card Play PC Games?

I'm buying a Laptop. How much am I giving up using a 256 Video Card rather than a 512 ? I want to play online games and watch lots of video.|||if you are just playing online flash games and watching movies and youtube videos, a 256MB card will be more than enough. i would only recommend stepping up to a 512MB if you plan on doing graphic intensive gaming. in that case, you will need to know more than just how much ram (256MB or 512MB) it is to know how well it will perform.|||i think you should get an 512 mb graphics card

because now a days most of pc games are better in performance

and quality for 512 mb graphics card

and if you are using vista it is better if you opt for 512mb

because vista takes upto 64-128 mb graphics(according to model)|||An quite a bit actually, because graphics cards an processors are the hardest components to upgrade in a laptop(because of specific power an space constraints).

Splash out as much as u can with regards to these 2 components, hard drives an ram can be upgraded later.

Also a good rule of thumb when it comes to this is to buy more than u need, cuz u know in the next 6 - 8 months something else will come out that requires more than what ur current needs are now.

(look at dreambooks they got sweet deals)

Can a cmos battery affect the video card?

my cmos battery died and now my video card is showing garbage even if i enter the bios setup.

thanks|||I have never seen it affect a video card, but there is a first time for everything.

To be sure, you'll need to replace your CMOS battery and then check for video card driver updates. If these 2 things don't improve your video, then a new card may be needed.|||Have you replaced the CMOS battery? You will most likely need to reset your BIOS settings after that. Make sure you have the Display setting for AGP or PCIe for whichever type of card you have.

Need a new video card?

I need a new video card, able to run new games at a decent speed.

The video card must NOT support hdcp or hdmi in any way whatsoever.

The card must be PCI-e 2.0 x16

Where can I find a card that meets these requirements?|||nVidia 9800GT or lower

What new video card do i need?

i have bought a PC game called Portal. i realised i need a new video card because i only have 8mb and i need 128mb.can anyone give me any advice on which video card to get because my computer is quite old.|||Since you computer is old im thinking that you need and AGP because most older PC's have them. Check ATi cards because they are better. Look on or and type in "AGP graphics card" and then look for one with a 128mb or more memory (512mb is good for nowadays)|||Just about anything you might buy would probably be an improvement, so it's mainly just a question of how much you want to spend. The price range for video cards is huge, from $30 to $6000.

Find a card that is definitely compatible with the slots in your PC, and one that is in your preferred price range, and go with that, and you should be fine. If you are running an old operating system, like Windows 98 or something, make sure the manufacturer of the card has drivers for that OS before you buy it, also.|||Hello!

I suppose that you have only PCI slots, if your computer is old.

You can buy it on ebay, used, like the GeForce MX4000.

Bye! Sorry for bad english, i talk spanish :D

Would i need to buy a video capture card if i had.....?

Easycap USB 2.0 Video TV DVD VHS Audio Capture Adapter do i still need to buy a capture card or would this do all that for me?|||This is a USB video/audio capture card. So you wont need a separate one. it is not however a TV tuner so it wont be able to capture live TV.|||Try Leawo DVD Creator! It is easy to use, and it can convert videos to dvd in several steps.Download Leawo Free DVD Creator here:;_ylt=A0oGkw22TZxLDEkBuV1XNyoA?p=leawo+dvd+creator&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-701&fp_ip=cn&rd=r1&meta=vc%3Dcn&sao=1 It must can help you, good luck!

What's a good video card for the next year?

Which of these video cards is a decent investment just for the next one year?

XFX Radeon HD 4770

BFG Geforce GTS 250

Diamond Radeon HD 4850

KEEP in mind that I have a 500W psw (20A+20A on dual 12V) and I play on 1400x900 res (19" lcd)

Thanks!|||Deffo Diamond Radeon HD 4850|||huh?|||I have the BFG Geforce GTS 250, it can play all the newest games (e.g. mw2,GTA4) on the highest settings with no problems and has awesome 1080p blue-ray play back. I love it. Its a grate card for the price.

The GF GTS 250 is 475W so you are good on the PSU too :)

Will an ATI Radeon HD 4200 video card work for Sims 3 Ambitions?

I bought Sims 3 Deluxe. I cannot tell if my video card is compatible.|||Yep it is good

Do i can Conect a video card to my pc ?

Today , i decided to change my video card , opened my pc case , and found 2 things ,

i have a integrated intel Video card , and i have a PCI Express Videocard too ?

Do i can Put a new Video card in my PCI Express slot ?

And do i will be able to choose what videocard use(For games) , if i will conect it.|||Yes you can install a PCI-e video card

Without knowing what machine you have, you need to check that you have an available PCI-e x16 slot, that there is physical room inside the machine for the card you are choosing, and that your power supply has enough Watts and the proper PCI-Express power connectors for the video card you choose.|||Yes you can choose which you use. You're computer will detect which one you are connected to. Just plug your monitor into the one you want to use,and then boot your computer up.

If for some reason it does not detect our you will need to go into your setup program (f1 most likely) and change your settings there. You can disable the integrated video card.

Let me know of you need more help.|||if you've got a PCIe card, you want to connect the VGA, DVI, HDMI to that. otherwise, you're not getting the output from that card.

yes you can take out the old card, and put in a new one! it's easy! just make sure to check and see if the card you're getting has a power connector. if it does you'll need to go out and buy a PCI power adapter.

you cannot choose from any type of software which to use. it all depends on where the cord is coming from.

Is there any where I could find Diamond Radeon 6950PE52GXOC 2048MB GDDR5 PCI-E Video Card a little cheaper?

I found it at best buy but I was wondering if I could find it cheaper any where? hear is the link|||A whole list of them 6950's here.…|||Why are you shopping on Best Buy's site? Newegg will have 6950s for significantly less than that.

What is a video card for windows XP?

I got the game Spore and was just got done installing it. when I tried to play it, my computer said the video card was under the min. space. How can I make the space go up? will I have to buy a new video card?|||A video card is a card that enhances graphics some of the newer games require really heavy video cards and to be able to play that game you need a video card that supports that game.

heres an example of a video card |||it means you have an old pc, and you need to update your video card. get a new 512mb one. i hear they're "wat's hot"|||A good graphics card at the moment on a tight budget would be a 8600GT/9600GT on sale.

Jimmy's answer needs more explanation. 512mb isn't just enough for a card to be "hot". You see 8500GTs with 1GB of memory but they are junk. It depends on the clock speeds, the chip model and more. The memory ties in but not as much. A 8600GT 256mb beats a 8500GT 1GB any day.

Check if your slot is PCI, PCI-E or AGP. If it's PCI-E (fairly recent computer, not one from 10 years ago) then go with 8600GT/9600GT or 8800GT which is a bit more in cost but better.

Also make sure your PSU is adequate.

Good luck!|||A video card is what's putting the graphics on your monitor. Without one you wouldn't see anything.

If you read the error message again you'll, undoubtedly, see that it says your video card is under the minimum specs ... not space. This means that it doesn't have the capabilities needed to play the game.

If you click on the link below, and select Spore from the list of games in the drop down menu, you can allow the site to scan your computer. It will then tell you that these are the following requirements to play Spore:

Video Card


Minimum: 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 [GeForce 6200 for Vista]+ / ATI Radeon 9500+ / Intel 950+)

I'm afraid that if your graphics card doesn't meet these requirements the ONLY way round it is to purchase another video card and replace the one that you're currently using. There's NO way that you can upgrade your present video card to make it better.

I would like to know the best Video Card my PC can run?

I have a Dell Vostro 200 Mini tower (Dekstop) with

- 4Gb Ram,

- Intel Core 2Duo (2.83Ghz)

- Motherboard is a G33M02

- Graphic card I want to change, ATI Radeon HD 3650.

-Power Supply 300 Watt. (might get a better one, 500W to be exact)|||I would suggest a 5750, I run a 5750 perfectly stable on my machine and I have 330w psu right now.||| Nikhil is an absolute moron unless he just stepped out of a time warp from 2008. Seriously, what the hell are you smoking? If you're this daft then don't post.

In any case, it can technically take any PCIe card that will fit the case and power supply. That being said, a really powerful card is pointless in here, but an upgrade itself is not despite what some other idiots have said. Don't blow a lot of money. Something in the range of a 6750 to a 6870 or so should do the trick without getting bottlenecked too badly by the rest of your system. Just bear in mind that you're never going to get awesome performance out of that thing. It should be good enough to get you by for a while, though.|||It could support pretty much any PCI-e, but it may not be worth it really. Be sure to check that power supply first. Usually there is a label on it that tells you exactly what you have.

Your board is kind of stunted in terms of growth after that. If you want to make the most out of your money, get a graphics card and another one later and run them in SLI/Xfire on your new comp you'll have to buy within another year.|||I don't know why you want a new video card because your processor and motherboard aren't very powerful.

The best video card your PC can run is nVidia Geforce 8800 GTX.

This is the second best video card available now.

The card costs $560 dollars cheapest.|||You'd honestly be better off getting a whole new computer because even if there were a GPU that could fit into your small case, it wouldn't improve your overall performance by much.

I need suggestions on what kind of video card to buy.?

My MAJOR problem is when I play games I get thrown off the game back to the icon page. My comp also stops while I'm typing and I have to start from where it stopped at.(it's stopped twice so far) I know I need a new video card but have no idea what to get. My comp is a dell approx 2yrs old and the current card is:intel(r) 82845g/gl/ge/pe/gv graphics controller. I can spend up to a couple C's but (of course) want to spend as little as possible. Can someone please help me?|||You are currently using an outdated integrated graphics that share memory from system RAM. 82845 chipset supports AGP. Consider an ATI 9600 Pro. It is just a 17 watter, would not stress your power supply. More exciting/faster cards would require a power supply upgrade.|||your game(s) box or even the game(s) FAQ's or tech support should be able to help with the type of card

for the purchase, i suggest|||A new video card may not help if your computer is crashing. But your onboard video controller is not good for gaming.

Find out if your motherboard has an AGP port or a PCI-express port for the graphics card.

Then go and get a graphics card based upon how much you want to spend.

I recommend:

ATI X1650PRO for around $100

NVIDIA 7600GT (DDR3) for around $130

ATI X1950PRO for $200 ish???

Or get crazy with an NVIDIA 8800 for lots more money.

Have fun!|||Your using integrated graphics, if your pc has a pci-e slot get the X1950 pro.

Anything u can do to a uma video card to make a labtop better ?

like any add ons or w/e so i can run games, since i have a uma video card, like mw3,ect


Computers & Internet > Hardware > Laptops & Notebooks|||You bought a laptop that was not made for gaming.... and you want to know what you can do to it to make it better for gaming?

There is really nothing you can do. It's not a gaming laptop.

Laptops are not like desktops. You can't just add components to make them better.

If you want a gaming laptop, you buy a gaming laptop. That means you pay more money.

Sure... you can purchase a ViDock, and then buy a desktop gaming video card and put it in the ViDock, plug that into your ExpressCard slot, and connect an external monitor to it so you can play good games.... but that means you are no longer portable, since you need to have a desktop monitor to use it. If you follow that route, you might have just as well bought a desktop computer in the first place.…|||If the memory is shared dynamically, then increasing your system memory may allow more to be shared for graphics.

There may be a setting in BIOS to increase video memory.…|||fafaf

Can i update video card in hp pavilionn dv4-1222nr?

can i update video card in hp pavilionn dv4-1222nr. i recently bought it and now its video card is too old to run newer games like mass effect. can i install a new video card? or will i have to buy a new computer?|||No !

The video and graphics card is a chip set made into the mother board and not upgradable or replaceable. No one manufactures an external video/graphics card for a lap top.|||If it's a laptop, no.

I'm trying to turn off the video card on my computer please help me!?

I bought a new video card for my computer. I have to turn off the one that is built into my computer. I have a hp pavilion. The instructions with the new video card say go to the control panel and go to "add remove programs" and delete the video card. I tried that but I don't even know what the video card is called on my computer and I'm not sure which thing to delete. Can anyone help me??|||you dont need to delete anything just put the card in the computer and then put the monitor wire in the video card's slot.|||Is your computer a laptop? or an actual computer? if its a laptop i cannot help, but if its a computer, i have a solution. If it is built into the motherboard, then you need to find another video card that is compatible with the other video card and the motherboard, so just browse around and keep looking for something that is compatible with it.|||You just insert the new card, because it automatically uses the discrete one over the integrated or if you've got a discrete one already in there, then uninstall drivers for it as well as remove it (obviously) then insert the new one. To me it seems you are very unsure, do you even know if everything is compatible? i.e PSU, having an empty PCIe slot

Whats the best video card for a dell dimension 3000 ?

i want to up grade my video card for my dell dimension 3000 and wanna know what one is good for it and what will fit |||You should have an AGP slot so I'd foreget about a PCI card if you want to do any real gaming. Radeon 9800 Pro's and XT's have gone down in price lately. Those would be a good match for your system. Id also get a 256mb card if you can afford it. A PCI card will be a big improvement over onboard graphics but unless you can find a FX5700 SE, the other PCI video cards arent going to work well for newer games.

How to use both on board video and video card?

I have a Dell E521, and my friend added a GeForce 7600GT into my computer. The computer runs windows XP. There are currently two monitors hooked up to it. I want to hook up a third monitor to the computer by using the video output on motherboard, is that possible? how can I do it??

thanks!|||Sorry, but that's not possible.

Most (if not all) motherboard BIOS will disable the onboard graphics when a graphics card is detected.

And even if it didn't, Windows only allows one graphics driver to run at any given time.|||You can use multiple video cards on the same system...but the onboard video will be disabled. I use two video cards with dual outputs..4 monitors total. If one is AGP, you will have to set boot order in setup to designate the primary card. Hope this helps...

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Can you put a CPU fan on a video card?

i have a bunch of old cpu fans but not video card fans, my cpu fan has 3 wires (yellow, red, black) and my video card has 2 (Red, Black) is there anyway to hook up my cpu fan to my video card, and if so how would i spice the wires|||There are fans built specifically for video cards. Just get a video card cooler that's right for your it. Also, usually, video cards that are meant to be cooled by a fan comes with a fan. It's not necessary to install a fan on your video card if it doesn't come with one, unless of course you are overclocking it.

The black cable is for the ground, yellow is for the +12V and red is +5V. I'm not sure if it's safe to break the connector and hook the red and black wires to the CPU fan. Try looking at computer stores if they have a converter instead.

Looking to upgrade my video card from radeon HD4670?

I'm willing to spend no more than $130 to upgrade from my old Radeon HD4670 that I got a few years ago. What do you have for me? I tend to prefer Radeon cards, but I'm not opposed to nvidia cards.

Specifically, I'd like input from people who have upgraded from the same bargain card. Any input is highly appreciated though! I want to jazz up my comp!|||In that price range, Radeon 5770, hands down.

Lee, the 9800 is not the king. At all. It's old and a bad deal for the money. Just a few bucks more gets you a Radeon 5750, which mops the floor with the 9800. The 5770 is a tad more and beats it even harder. Why the hell do people keep pimping the 9800 series? It's several generations old.

The same goes for the GTS250, albeit to a lesser extent.

The GTX 460 is faster than a 5770, but it's going to be hard to find one for less than $150. DO NOT TRUST REBATES. Consider those gravy on top of whatever price you get if they actually come back to you in less than a year.|||I got an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 for like $99 from best buy. It was overclocked with a gig of memory, HD compatible. Very nice for the price. I got it from Best Buy, it was overclocked by a different handler, BFG. Great price, great cooling for overclock. Basically NVIDIA's 9800 GTX card revamped and renamed.|||I agree with Vomit, the 5770 fits the bill here. You might be able to pick up a GTX 460 1GB for about the same price as well, the performance between the two is similar.|||nvidia 9800. king of budget cards. around 100 bucks.

Is this video card good enough?

i really wanted a gaming computer , but since i work at a univeersity they give me a special deal on a dell. It is a dell optiplex gx 745 with a 2.4 ghz processor, 2 gb of ram, 250gb hard drive, but only a 256mb ati radeon x1300 pro video card. i dont know if this will run games solidly, even if i am only a moderate gamer...i play warcraft, counter strike, americas army, btelfield vietnam, and stuff like that. will this video card run smoothly and will the processor make up for it. i was planning befor to get a 7900 or an 8600 gts nvidia or an ati x1950 pro, but this great deal came up and the video card cant be switched|||The Radeon X1300 can handle non-demanding games like the Sims, Warcraft 2/3 & (surprisingly) World of Warcraft quite well, but isn't fast enough for cutting edge 1st-person shooters- you won't get good framerates in those games- these days, the MINIMUM recommended card for titles like is a GeForce 7900 or Radeon X1950 Pro (and preferably an 8600 or 8800 for DX10 support)

Your fast processor (I assume is either a Core 2 Duo or AMD X2) can't make up for that, it's just capable of pumping out data faster than the video card can render it, so you'll have a performance bottleneck until you get a better graphics card.

Unfortunately the deal could prove costly to upgrade later down the line- some Dell models ship with weak power supplies that can't handle the power requirements of high-end PCI-E video cards, and must be replaced if you opt for a midrange to high-end video card. This happened with my Dell Dimension 4700, which came standard with a measly 305W power supply that couldn't support a GeForce 7900GT.

It gets better- the screw mountings on Dell PSUs aren't standard, so off-the shelf ATX power supplies don't fit. Fortunately, you can purchase Dell-specific replacement PSUs from PC Power& Cooling, but that's more expensive than a regular 400-500w power supply NewEgg, CompUSA or a local computer store.

I'm not sure how large of a psu ships standard with the GX745, but I expect it's beefier than the Dimension. I've heard there are two versions of that model, a full-size tower and a smaller mini version. The smaller one can't even accept full-height PCI-E cards without purchasing a riser card from Dell.

So you while you can certainly buy a gaming video card later on, you *might* be stuck having to purchase other upgrades as well.|||the video card you have is ok for playing games but if your a hardcore gamer and what smooth crisp displays in high resoultions then i would recommened getting a 8800 gts or a 8600 gts and these both support direct x10 which will start overtaking direct x9 games in the very near future!|||DONT get a video card in the 8 series unless it is 8800, because under it, the cards are only 128-bit, not good for games, so i would say get in the 7900 series or in the 8800 series.

Did you get the computer yet? i custom build computers and i can most likely get you a better deal then they can.

Message me if you are interested.|||X1300 is not too good - See:…

Is my video card capable of a component output for my tv?

i have pretty old notebook, it is a gateway m520 and the video card is an ati radian 9600/9700 series card. i am wondering if this card supports component out capabilities (Y, Pr, Pb).

anybody know the answer to this question?…|||No, the Gateway M520's VGA port does NOT support component output, according to Gateway Support.

That cable you linked to will NOT work with the Gateway M520.

How much is important a video card for video quality?

which one is more important? ram or video card? when you editing video? what video card do you think is good for system like

intel daul core 2 2.8 ghz

ram 2 gb

h.d 320

video card?


thank you emadi|||graphics cards are good for rendering graphhics. editing video requires a lot of encoding which is gonna be done by your intel chip.

any mid-range card is fine for what you need. the more system ram the better but 2gigs should suffice|||Video card is more important and I have no idea what a h.d 320 is lol.|||For editing video, RAM and Processor are the most important. You only need raw video card power if you're using Adobe Premiere Pro 2 (the new one), since it does fast, video-card-powered preview rendering. For everything else, video card is almost useless in video editing.|||The video card is very necessary for gaming and graphic/video processing.|||They are both important. Since the importance of video card can be found in application like playing games, watching videos and On-line conference like webcasting. Just imagine a monitor that never turns on, thats how imprtant video card is.|||The most important appln of Video card or Graphics card is mainly for those people working on Graphics like ( Animation, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere etc) and of course the most recent game releases recommend high end graphics cards!!!!....if U r into any of these stuffs U definitely need a graphics card...a 256MB ram card will suffice most applications....also U;r PC RAM will not be shared for graphical applns...if U hav a graphics card...So U can get more RAM for other purposes...tht's it!!!|||you have enough RAM

2gb is good

if you are doing editing to video

get some sort of nVidia Quadro or Geforce.

you can get the 7600GS, it is a cheap videocard

if you want top notch

either wait for more Direct X10 videocards

or get then Quadro FX4500 using the AGP slot

Video card problem need help?

I have a spider-man web of shadows for my computer,but i cant play it because my video card does not support the game. It needs a 7900GTX/512MB ATI Radon memory card. i found a VisionTek ATI Radeon HD 3650 512MB Graphics Card online. will it work with my game?|||yes, the HD 3650 will play most games on medium to high settings

the 7900gtx is a good card, but is pretty outdated|||Yes. Generally ATI Radeon and nVidia GeForce are 2 good video cards but I think nVidia GeForce is better.

Will my NVIDIA GeForce 7025 motherboard cooperate with my video card 9800gtx?

i'm just wondering if my motherboard would be compatible with my video card because i have an older video card (9400gt) and i'm planning to replace it with 9800gtx.|||Yes…

You did not mention the specs for your ecisting power supply. You may need to upgrade your power supply as the 9800GTX requires a lot more power. Also many different manufacturers make the 9800GTX

card and often have slightly different minimum power supply requirements.

The 9800GTX


Minimum of a 450 Watt power supply.

(Minimum recommended power supply with +12 Volt current rating of 24 Amp Amps.)


Two 6-pin supplementary power connectors and a minimum 500W or greater system power supply (with 12V current rating of 26A)|||Make sure you have a PCI express slot

Should i buy a new video card?

My computer has Integrated ATI Radeon HD4200 graphics and sims 3 need a Radeon 4850 or 4870... Would the sims 3 work if i didn't buy the video card (Radeon 4850 or 4870)?|||It might just barely be playable or it might not work at all. Non-gaming laptops are lousy for gaming.|||you can't upgrade your Video card in your laptop > it is built into the motherboard

you need to buy a new computer

Buying A Laptop, Will A 256 Video Card Play PC Games?

I'm buying a Laptop. How much am I giving up using a 256 Video Card rather than a 512 ? I want to play online games and watch lots of video.|||if you are just playing online flash games and watching movies and youtube videos, a 256MB card will be more than enough. i would only recommend stepping up to a 512MB if you plan on doing graphic intensive gaming. in that case, you will need to know more than just how much ram (256MB or 512MB) it is to know how well it will perform.|||i think you should get an 512 mb graphics card

because now a days most of pc games are better in performance

and quality for 512 mb graphics card

and if you are using vista it is better if you opt for 512mb

because vista takes upto 64-128 mb graphics(according to model)|||An quite a bit actually, because graphics cards an processors are the hardest components to upgrade in a laptop(because of specific power an space constraints).

Splash out as much as u can with regards to these 2 components, hard drives an ram can be upgraded later.

Also a good rule of thumb when it comes to this is to buy more than u need, cuz u know in the next 6 - 8 months something else will come out that requires more than what ur current needs are now.

(look at dreambooks they got sweet deals)

Need help fast with a video card question?

I own a BFG Geforce 9600 GT video card and want to make it into a SLI system on my motherboard.

I am having problems finding that exact same video card anywhere. Even newegg where i got it is out of it.


there is a OC version of the same card.

It says its been over clocked.

Will the two SLI?

or am i gonna have to find another option

|||yes as long as the model series is the same (9600 gt) the clock speeds may be different...just know that the two cards may auto adjust to match the slower speed...if you download a program called Rivatuner (kinda an alternative to control panel...but with more options) you can set both cards to overclock to the same higher speed...or even higher than either card started at by default. anyway if you have any questions about sli there is ONLY 1 place you should be looking and that's the forums or support over @ go there they'll explain in detail what can work with what in the sli faq's section.

How much video can a 1GB scan card hold?

I need to shoot a video a little over 10 minutes, is a 1GB card big enough to use with my digital camera for this?|||Sure 4.5GB = movie = 1.5 hrs

10 minutes= about 1/2 GB I assume not HD|||Hi. Your first answer sounds good. Video is compressed and the number of frames you can capture depends very much on how stable the image is, stable as in not changing. For instance, a video of a person talking while seated with an unmoving background will use much less memory that the same length of movie of the same person while walking outdoors. Make sense? In any event the card will hold just under 1GB. (Some is used for image info and other things.|||For 10 minutes of video, you could even use HD in recording on a one GB card. It's plenty of room.

Why "POP:The Sands of Time" doesn't work on Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 4000 video card?

I bought this video card one year ago and i don't understand why this game doesn't work.|||Minimum Video Card Requirements: 64 MB GeForce 3 or higher, or ATI Radeon 8500 or higher, Matrox Parhelia. (GeForce4 MX not supported)

Sorry but that game does not support your video card.

About installing crossfire edition video card.. in my motherboard?

is it a requirement for me to buy 2 crossfire video cards so it will work? ... or just buying 1 piece of video card... is okay already?|||If you want to run in crossfire mode, you need two cards. Be sure your motherboard supports it [two PCIE slots].

How do I fix my video card?

The video card (driver?) is broken on my laptop. When I try to do something that requires an up to date driver, it says to update it, but I can't update it because according to my laptop, there is no brand or version or any information about it. One thing that might have caused this is that I removed a corrupted hard drive and inserted a hard drive that I had from a different laptop that had the screen broken. The computer works completely except for that one problem. Any ideas how to fix it?|||Yeah, instead of rambling about tis and tat, and your lappy being dumb as a box of rox and not telling you anything, in a whole paragraph. Then you could have made the effort to put a manufacture and model number as to what laptop you have... My crystal ball broke a few years ago, and not many others still have theirs either...|||If the video / graphics card is really just missing a driver, then you can try googling the brand of the device and look for the driver manually.

Some older models are hard to find and wont be discovered by using the Windows Driver Updater.

Just go to your Device Manager ( Start-Control Panel-Hardware and Sound and look into the Device Manager for that listed video-graphics card / adapter.

Then just write it down and google the brand and download and install the driver manually.

If that wont work you can try to download and install another video card driver from Intel


Type in your device ( Processor-Chipset ) name and download the right driver.

It might work.|||Download the correct graphics card chip set driver from the laptop manufacturers support website by model number and installed operating system. You do know installing the hard drive from another laptop into it installs a illegal copy of Windows and some of the hardware drivers and utilities may not be the same unless both are the same as to all installed hardware and same exact models.

Go to start, click all programs, click Windows update and click scan for updates and then set your system for auto updates and install this will keep every thing including the drivers up to date.

I have a inspron 6400 and I wanna upgrade my video card... is it possible?

I found out recently that my laptop won't run some really good games (like Battlefield 2 or Quake War ET) and it turns out that it needs a video card upgrade =\. So is it even possible 2 upgrade (cuz it is a laptop after all...) and how much will it cost me? I'm using mobile Intel 945gm express chipset. Plz help me!|||I don't know if it's the same for your 6400, but my 6000 is built with the video card permanently coupled with the motherboard, making upgrading impossible. Dell hates its customers apparently :-p|||Hmmm....I use the same laptop model as you :) Before you decide on buying a new graphic card, please check that if you can find ways to speed up the video graphic processing.

You need to check:

1. If you have sufficent RAM. My laptop uses 1GB DDRAM 2.

2. Do you defrag your harddisk. I find it quite useful in speeding up video

3. Do you have too many background program running while you are playing your computer games. You can check it from Task Manger

4. Delete some unuse programs to give your harddisk more virtual memory in order to speed up video

It is indeed possible to upgrade the video graphic cards in laptop:) But, it is hard to find shops selling them!:( You may try to call the Dell agent for help:) For your laptop computer, you also need to upgrade your BIOS:) That can be done by yourself:) You just key in your service tag in the Dell website, and you should find something like BIOS update patches:) I upgrage my own BIOS to version A08 from A06 right now. For the price of your new video card, I can't give you any recommendation because I am from Singapore.

Where do I get a driver for a ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series video card?

The title pretty much says it all, Where do I get a driver for a ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series video card? The card came with an install CD that refered me to the below link for driver updates but it does not list a driver for the 3800, it goes from 3600 right to 3850...|||ati is delivered by windows update, check to see if its already installed ...go to device manager > display

Best video card for intel motherboard?

I want to know if the chaintech 7600 gs / 512 mb gddr2 would be the best video card performance for under $150 for my intel motherboard D925XCVLK ill be running 1 gb memory and 3.4 ghz processor if it matters at all i want excellent video card with this set up ive got|||I haven't heard much from Chaintech, but other makes such as eVga and BFG are pretty good. The 7600 gs is a pretty good GPU, but I'd spend a bit more and go for a GT if I were you, it's definitely worth it.

Video card, I ve got an fujitsu siemens(P 5330) notebook,my video card is ATI radeon hd 3470 256 mb.?

Video card, I ve got an fujitsu siemens(P 5330) notebook,my video card is ATI radeon hd 3470 256 mb. It is no use for new games in high details, so can I add an extra video card.

If so, which types can I add?|||I am sorry to inform you that you can't upgrade the video chip on a laptop. You can't add another video card either. The 3470 should be able to run your games on Medium settings without a problem. Just turn down the eye candy a little. Laaptops have video chips not video cards. I hope this helped.|||get an external video card. there's one by nvidia which gamers dubbed "god". its $18000|||i accept with the above one

What Laptop should i buy and what should i be looking for ex-how much RAM,Hard drive space, video card...?

I am currently buying a laptop and i am wonder what one i should choose. My limit is about $2000. I would use the computer mainly for video editing and video games. I was thinking of getting a dell(xps series). What laptops would you recommend as well as what upgrades would you recommend for it.|||Here is a great tool to help you narrow down your search:…

What this tool does is let you set criteria for what you are looking for in a laptop (how much RAM, how fast of a processor, price, size etc) and then presents you with options that fit your needs.

Be sure to check out the PC fast facts tab at the top too; it will fill you in on how much RAM you need, what to look for in a processor and what not.



Windows Outreach Team|||You may want to check this:

It lists most popular gaming laptops for reference, by price|||There are some spec that u want to have:

320gb or hard drive or more

4gb of ram of more

Intel centrino2 (2.15 by or more)

At least 512 mb nvidia or ati video card. If u want to play the lastedt game.

I pregered u get

Dell xps

Dell studio xps

Asus g50vt

Hp pavillion

Gateway fx

If u want to custom everything, check cyberpowerpc, ibuypower, vigor pc, widow pc. These are custom build company.

How to choose the best video card?

What would be the best performing (gaming) video card thats compatible with Gigabyte motherboard GA-81945GZME-RH?

How do you choose whether a video card is compatible with your mobo? Does it just depend on the connection (AGP, PCI)?

Mobo: GA-81945GZME-RH

Processor: Pentium D (3.40ghz)

Memory: 2GB

Video slot: PCI Express|||…

This seems to be your motherboard.

Motherboard has:

1 PCI Express x 16 slot (x4 bandwidth)


3 PCI slots

PCI Express is for your video card (AGP won't fit and PCI video cards are slow). ATI HD 4670 is pretty optimal for your computer, faster cards will be bottlenecked by x4 bandwidth.

Video card? on a laptop? any others possible ways??

soooooo...i had to go through fire to get my sims 3 game installed on my dell laptop...then when i finally pushed play sims 3 it said i needed a video card.but the guy at the computer store says you cant have that on a laptop.... PLEASE IS THERE ANOTHER WAY!!!!??????!?!?!?!??! after all ive been trough for this...i really really REALLY want to play it :(|||1) either the repair guy is dumb, you misunderstood, or he misspoke. all computers have video cards.

2) what he should have said was that you cannot upgrade the video card in a laptop as it is a part of the motherboard. sorry, your laptop cannot play it. that is why you should always check the requirements for a game before you buy it.

Which video card is the best out of the following:

I currently have the NVIDIA GeForce 9500GS on my 64-bit quad core system running windows vista and I wanted to know which of the following is best for its price to upgrade to:

1) EVGA e-GeForce 8800GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

2) BFG GeForce 9600GT 512MB PCI-E Video Card ($129.99 [save $120])

3) 3) XFX GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card - Alpha Dog Edition ($149.99 [save $50])

4) BFG GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCIe Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

These are the hot offers currently at futureshop (bestbuy has none at the moment) and I am looking for one which will give me the best performance for its price. Here is my pc if this helps at all:

Please help me out here, I am still learning a lot about this stuff and am only 15. I am getting more and more into computers and your help is much appericiated!|||evga 8800gt

Need help with Power supply and video card?

Hello, I just bougt a 500 WATT Power Supply, and a New Video card, the video card needs a power suppply with minimum 450 watts, and more.

Will my power supply be able to handle it if, Im playing small games like world of warcraft?|||If it's a 9800gt, as long as the rest of the system isn't too demanding and the power supply isn't a piece of **** brand it should do fine. I have a 500w psu running my system with an 8800gt, and since a 9800gt is just a relabel of the 8800 it should be fine|||Yes it will easily

Is there a 512mb video card for intel celeron 2.66 GHz?

help me.. i wanna know if there is a 512mb video card for celeron for the games i will be playing.. cuz i cant afford a dual core cpu.. =P hehe.. thx..|||you really need to get a new computer otherwise, you will have a Ferrari graphic card with a Lada processor and you will not get anything from your investment in your graphics card.|||The answer is yes. There is a 512MB videocard for almost every processor out there.

The um.. problem is that there are two versions of the 2.66ghz Celeron. One version was made for socket 775 Motherboards, and another was made for Socket 478. Typically Socket 775 Motherboards support AGP or PCI-Express videocards, while Socket 478 Motherboards support either AGP or PCI videocards. So maybe yes.|||I think wed need more information.. What kind of case do you have?? The processor isnt the motherboard so I dont know what ports you have open.. But if you have a Dell you can go to and they have Live Online Chat which is awesome.. Just go there and tell them the computer you have and they will tell you what video cards you can get.. I hope you have a desktop because its nearly impossible to upgrade a laptop to a good video card..|||The answer is yes. There is a 512MB videocard for almost every processor out there.

Your particular problem is that there are two versions of the 2.66ghz Celeron. One version was made for Socket 775 Motherboards, and one was made for Socket 478. Typically Socket 775 Motherboards support AGP or PCI-Express videocards, while Socket 478 Motherboards support either AGP or PCI videocards.……

The first picture shows a couple of PCI slots and an AGP slot. The second shows a PCI slot, an AGP slot, a PCI-Ex1 slot, and a PCI-E16 slot. I would need you to take a look inside your computer and tell me which ones you have.

Conversely, if you know the make and model of your computer (ie Dell Inspiron 2000), I could just look it up.

In any case:

If you are limited to a PCI slot, there are no good gaming videocards available anymore.

If you have an AGP slot, the best possible videocard you could get is the Radeon 3850 512MB, found here:…

If you have PCI-Express, the sky is the limit. Unfortunately, your processor will slow any high end videocard down, so it's not worth spending more than $100. A Radeon 4670 512MB would suffice.…|||I would be more worried about getting a better CPU then a video card|||Trust me those processors can't game for squat and your better off just getting a new computer!|||waste of money since it won't be balanced at all

What Video Card For 400w power supply?

I want to buy a new video card to plat world of warcraft.

my power supply on my comp is 400w. I do not want to upgrade it right now and i would like to buy a video card around $100.

here is link to my computer specs:|||Palit 9800GT 1GB "power saving edition" (i.e., with no PCI-E connector), $101,…

Unlike most games, it's comparatively important to use a 1GB version video card with WoW.

You would also benefit from upgrading to a much higher MHz CPU, even if it was a dual core, rather than a quad. (Your current CPU is 2.2 GHz --too low.)


I see now your power supply is apparently a Delta DPS-400RB A, with 30A combined available on the +12V rails. That's much better than I expected.

That means you could also run this video card, MSI MSI GeForce GTS250 1GB (2200 MHz), $120,…

For future reference, your motherboard is apparently a Foxconn (Bengal) RS780.…

The short answer is, if you want to install a better CPU later, you should replace the motherboard at the same time, like with one of these, Gigabyte GA-MA785GM-US2H (micro ATX, to fit the case, and with DDR2, so you can keep using your current RAM), $80,…|||i recently got to know that i can run the evga nvedia gts250 in an ordinary 400W power supply.

I'm sure you have plenty of options in selecting one.

"Recommended: 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability with 128 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT class card or better"

This thing you can buy for less than $100 for sure|||Here is an ATI Card that would do want you want for 100 although if you look around and ask questions. You will be able to find something better

Here is a link to a card and a good site to buy parts at:…

Can I change my video card on a laptop?

I have an I7 820QM CPU

8GB Drr3 ram


1000GB hard drive.

but a 230 nivia video card, can I upgrade it to an 445 video card, or something better? What you recommend?

Thank you

God Bless - Jesus Christ our SAVIOR, God loves us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Thank you

God Bless|||Are you sure you video board is an mxm one?

If not (my recent experience shows that the core i laptops have no mxm) the video chip is on the main bord (you can't change it)

PS: You should find a service manual and look there. I have a HP DV6 and i can't change the video card|||Basically in laptop You cant add graphics card because mostog graphics card are inbuilt

You can buy external graphics card

IOGear USB 2.0 External DVI Video Card GUC2020DW6

*Box Content - USB to DVI Adapter, Quick Start Guide, CD-ROM with User Guide and *Installation Software, and 4-feet USB 2.0 Cable

*For Office Use - View large spreadsheets across two screens with display continuity

*Multitask more effectively without overlapping windows

*Open attachments on one screen while reading the e-mail on the other

*For Graphic Use - Second display for pallets & tools

What video card can i upgrade to?

my mother board is a fic ktbc51g (google it and look at the lay out), the only thing i upgraded was the ram i aded 1g. i want a new video card but dont know what i can upgrade to.||| Your real problem is the need at least 350W for the mid range G-cards, better to get 400-450W and when you play games the cards run hot which means you proably don't have enough cooling either, the higher the memory on the card, the better it will play games. befor you buy any...check the minimum system requirments

on the card (for power).

Without knowing exactly what unit you have and just looking at the mobo(and the fact that you only have one case fan), I'd say that you could go with the 256mb x 8600 GT card...but DON'T get a "silent"

(fanless) card and DO check to see what PSU you have befor you buy one...what memory the card has doesn't matter as far as DDR2 or 3|||You any upgrade it with any PCI Expressx16 graphics card…

look there, Those graphics cards should fit your motherboard.

Edit: Yea you should be able to buy the DDR3 RAM Video Card for your motherboard.

Your PSU will fail. Buy another one. At least 450W.

Optimal RAM and video card for games?

I am looking to purchase a new computer. It would be used by my son for games as well.

System: Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core E2200 (2.20GHz,1MB L2Cache,800FSB)

should I upgrade from 2gb to 4gb of ram? Is this necessary?

The video card is: Integrated Video, Intel® GMA X4500HD

Should I upgrade to: 256MB ATI Radeon HD 3450 -supports DVI,HDMI,VGA Connections ?

|||yea upgrade the RAM it will make it a lot faster. Also get a video card, dont use integrated graphics|||Yes, it's always a good idea to upgrade to more ram. Be sure that the ram is dual channel. No, it's not necessary for some games.

Yes, if you have an integrated video, then you should definitely upgrade. I am not familiar with ATI Radeon to know what card is good. Regardless, coming from integrated video to a card is a step up. Seeing as how it has DVI, VGA, and HDMI connectability, it seems like a good card.|||ram alone wont help much.

i would say go for the 4 gigs. if you have a 32 bit operating system, then your computer cant quite use all 4 gigs but just about.

processor upgrade would def help. maybe a lower end quad core like a Q6600. very popular and great performace. or a E8500. both run about $180, but well worth it.

for a video card i would go with nothing less than something in the 8000 series. i am running a 8800 GT w/512mb of ram and im well over due for an upgrade. but you can find some really nice 9600's around $100. just have to look at the more detailed specs as far as price goes.

remember how much green you put into it is how much performace you're gonna get out.

since your asking this i would think you dont know much about this really.

i use for all my buying. they are great prices.

def hit up some local computer stores near you. they can be a lot of help. i love getting questions about gaming at work!

good luck!|||Integrated video cards have their limits performance wise but they are getting as technology advances. . Upgrading to the suggested video card would be more beneficial than upgrading the Ram. Only update the Ram if the games your son is playing starts to freeze while playing. That would be an indication that more Ram is needed.

Dell Dimension 4600 Video Card Upgrade: Replacement of 16MB ATI Rage 128 Ultra?


I am looking to replace the 16MB ATI Rage 128 Ultra video card on my Dell Dimension 4600.

RAM has previously been upgraded from 512MB to 1GB (DDR).

I am looking at buying the GeForce7800 GS AGP but I'm not 100% sure if it is compatible with my system? If not, what other compatible graphics cards would be suitable for online gaming?|||You can put any AGP card you like on the empty slot. The 7800GS AGP is pretty fast but the newer 7900GS is better and draws less power. BUT you need to upgrade your power supply. It says here that your PC has a teeny weeny power supply, only 250W.…

Better get something like this w/ strong +12V rails:…

Do not rely on minimum power supply recommendation. It will just run HOT at FULL LOAD. A higher rated power supply runs cooler and lasts longer.|||I think it is AGP and if it is you can use that video card you will have to upgrade your power supply if you want any thing more than a Geforce 6200.I would upgrade the PSU to a Hiper Type-R than put in a ATI Radeon X1950pro.That will run you about $300(us) with the power supply.I am using a 7900GS KO PCI-E in my gaming computer and i am happy with it.I would say go with a 7900GS in the AGP.You have alot of choices but not as much as PCI-E you may want to upgrade soon if you are going to be gaming.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What laptop video card do you need to run Test Drive Unlimited?

I have almost everything i need to run it but i dont know what video card i need.. i have a Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family. But it isnt good enough so does anyone have any ideas what i need|||Most laptops do not have the ability to upgrade the video card.

Dell and Alienware have models with upgradeable video cards.

Do I need a video card?

I am building a new computer that will be used for video editing. I have 4 GB of RAM and a good motherboard. I am good with using computers, just not building them... So my question is, will I need a video card? what does the video card do? and what are some good ones?

Thanks!|||i guess u wont need anything but u could hav mention ur onboard graphics and i prefer u to adjust buffer level to 512mb in bios and still if ur not satisfied try Nvidia 8800GTS!|||You will need a video card with this motherboard... To tell if a motherboard supplies video you are looking for a "yes" under "onboard video." I would not recommend purchasing a motherboard with onboard video as it will sap your memory and processor usage and you probably will need a high quality picture with the work you described. It looks like this motherboard is optimized to work with Nvidia type cards.

Video cards "create" the picture/video that displays on your monitor.|||Without the video card the computer won't boot up you won't be able to see any thing on the screen unless you have it built in on the mother board.|||Yes you need a video card video cards is what displays images on your screen this is what I have and reccomend.…|||Oh yes, you will need a video card, and a very nice one at that. If you are putting in 4gigs of ram, you obviously have a nice budget. Even so, you can get some great cards at about 200$, such as this:…|||You have a good motherboard and lots of memory so you have to buy a good video card for your editing needs, just click this link it might help you finding the best video card in the market:…

Is this PSU good for the video card i bought?

I think im gonna buy this psu…

for the video card i bought.....which is this one…

is this good???|||Yes it is good enough, as the PSU is 500W and the minimum requirement for the card is 400W "A minimum 400W system power supply (with 12V current rating of 26A)"

But it also depends on what else you have on your computer, if you have power hungry hardware installed then you might need more, but if you have average you should be fine.

I run a 8800 GTX, Core 2 Quad Q6600, SeaGate 500Gb HD, 3 fans and some other peripherals on a 500W PSU, if yours is similar you should be fine with it.|||yes you can

Video card replacement for emachines model w3107?

I need help replacing the video card, location? is it on the mother board or separate? average cost? and what card is recomended? I have a brand new monitor, everything was fine then suddenly the monitor whent black and read "no signal" so I was told I need to replace the video card. any help is appreciated. Thanks|||u put it on the motherboard, and when you buy it its either pci-x16 or just pci|||

Report Abuse

|||This is the wrong section for a desktop but;

Emachines W3107 has a Nvidia integrated 6100.

The card is part of the motherboard.

It cannot be removed.

What are the main aspects of a Video Card; Clock rate (MHz) Bandwidth (GB/s), MBs.?

What are the main aspects of a Video Card; Clock rate (MHz) Bandwidth (GB/s), MBs? What is the best video card that I could get for around $350. I was considering a XFX PVT80GGHD4 GeForce 8800GTS XXX 320MB 320-bit GDDR3 PCI Express.

Thank You|||clock rate and bandwidth aren't so useful as video card-choice parameter. you'd better look at the card ram's MBs.|||I would say which GPU family is used and the amount of memory. I would not get less than 256mb. Nvidia cards are an excellent choice.

Interface is something to consider. AGP is better than PCI, but PCI-Express is even better if you have a card which supports it well. PCI-Express is about like an interstate highway - only faster if you have a decent enough vehicle. A bicycle won't make better time on the interstate. So a faster interface won't help unless you have a decent enough GPU to really take advantage of that.|||I think the pixel shaders and mb-s

How do i know what graphic/video card i have w/out opening the case?

i cant remember what graphics card i have so isnt there somewhere i can go to find out what card i have without like dismantling the computer?|||Type dxdiag in the run window(winkey+r) and hit enter..

The graphics card name will be displayed under the "display" tab.|||with tuneup utilities you can see what card you have!|||Go into device manager via control panel and expand the listing that says 'display adapters'

What video card do I need?

Hi, I recently got into editing and found out that my pc is outdated for such a hobby. So now I'm looking for a motherboard, video card, cpu and ram. I decided to go for i5 for the cpu (bad idea?), go 2gb DDR3, motherboard (any advice?) and some video card. My budget is around $400. Any ideas which ones to get?

Thank-you!|||Here's what I think is good for you. And no the Intel Core i5 isn't a bad idea. AMD's are good for editing also too. And are rather cheap.

CPU and cooler :…


Video Card:…


It does come out to around $438 though >_<. Intel is expensive.

Look at these ones for AMD though

CPU and RAM:…


CPU Cooler:…

Video Card:…

Now as you can see I gave you a Dual Core Processor. That processor actually has 2 HIDDEN cores. And that motherboard has technology that can unlock those two hidden cores making it a quad core processor. And I think it all came together when I added the OCZ Black Edition RAM because of the Black Edition Processor.

Glad to help.|||Well, $400 for i5 is quite low. Most LGA 1156 motherboards are around $100 and up. The lowest end i5 is about $200...



Because you're doing lots of editing, a quad-core would be pretty useful.


Sadly, you'd have to skimp on the Video card, with only $60 left in budget.

Video Card:…

If you'd like to spend less, you could go with i3? Or maybe an AMD processor.

AMD Build:



Ram: Same as above

The $50 cheaper processor leaves you $100 for a better video card.

Video Card:…

Give it a thought, the better video card is likely to be better for gaming.

But the better processor is better for other purposes.|||build it yourself!

Antec 300 Case

MSI 880GMA E45 Motherboard

4GB Corsair DDR3 1333 2 x 2GB RAM

AMD Phenom II X2 555BE 3.2GHZ core unlocked also overclocked @ 3.5GHZ

XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB Graphics Card

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB SATA2 HDD…

Also check out at Ebay…|||Here are a couple online parts stores, I've ordered stuff from both sites and never had a problem.

As to what you should buy depends on your current system.. look up your motherboard specs and see what its max. stats are|||you would want a decent motherboard, nothing flashy though. About a $50-$70 grahpics card, and probably about 4 gigs of ram.

Will an ATI Radeon video card with 128 to 200 mb of video ram be good for the dell dimension 2400?

My old computer's video memory is 64

Dell Dimension 2400

Cpu Intel Celeron 2.40 Ghz

2gb of ram

70 gb hd

Thank you for your comments!|||You will need a PCI video card for your system. If the Radeon card you haver is a PCI card you are good to go.

You won't be able to do much gaming with your system your processor and video card is weak.

Here are some PCI video cards.…

Good luck|||Your computer does not have a slot for a video card, not an AGP slot nor a PCI-e slot. There are no modern video cards for the old school PCI slot, unless you can find a used one on eBay,

Advice would be to give up on this machine rather than pour more money into it. You can find a more modern used machine that is way more powerful for $200 - $300 or a new one for $400 and up.

Your machine has built in Intel graphics on the motherboard.…|||dont think ive ever seen a card with 200mb of ram on it. But for the sake of argument it really not make any noticeable different at all

Is Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 (Fermi) good video card?

Is that a good video card to get? Like i want to play games like Call of Duty, Deus Ex, all thoses other games that are coming out and stuff|||Yes,it'a good video card.…

Also check out at Ebay…|||It's good, if you're not a hardcore gamer. Those typically go up a step to the GTX 460|||It's a good midrange graphics card, it'll be fine for new games, as long as you don't want to run all of them on the absolute highest settings.

How to upgrade video card?

I currently have ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 200 on a hp pavilion zv6000.

how do i updrage the video card to be able to run newer pc games with higher requirements.|||You cannot upgrade the video on a laptop unless you change the motherboard.The cost will be higher than a new laptop|||You can not upgrade the video card, it is actually a chip set built into the mother board on lap tops and can only be replaced along with the mother board. If you are a gamer look at these for the best in gaming lap tops:…

Hope this helps

Can I change the video card in a HP Pavillion or does it have to be the same brand ?

My vid card is dead and I was wondering what options do I have to swapping it out. I have a GeForce 7500 LE card from Nvidia. Thanks all in advance|||you can do any card that fits your slot, your case and PSU. Doesn't matter the brand. Find out your card slot is it PCI-E or AGP. Its most likely PCI-E, and your PSU size and go from there. Most HPs are pretty cramped so most long video cards wouldn't fit it. an NVIDIA 8600GT, or 9500GT or ATI RADEON 3650 are a good choice. Many brands make video cards.|||If your motherboard can handle it, thats all that matters.|||no it doesnt there is only two types of video cards "nvidia" and "ati" , but there are many brands that make them.... u get it? but i recommend any nvidia card . u just have to make sure the type of card slot u have on your motherboard. either PCI (old but still popular) , AGP (newer but oldert ;alright) and PCI express (the new and current)|||So long as the new card fits the video slot that's all that really matters. If you only have PCI slots however, I would suggest that you not waste your money. You won't see enough of a difference to be worth the while. Hopefully you have PCI-E X16 or 2.0X16. If you do then you have a lot more options. AGP cards are cheaper (if you have the slot) but they are about as undesirable as a PCI card. But, if it's compatible with your video slot then it will work. And ATI makes decent cards as well, it's like comparing AMD with Intel. They both have good aspects (ATI and NVIDIA) but there isn't really much of a difference except for a bit of performance and a lot of cost. ATI are cheaper and you can usually get just as much out of them as you can a NVIDIA.

I just got this video card and i have nowhere to plug it in in the back of my computer?

i also need to know what kind of video card it is|||a long white slot is a pci express

a brown slot is agp

a short white 1 is a pci

if its that old .. a long black 1 is a isa slot

as far as the card goes .. if you got it at walmart its most likely a pci|||need more info. video cards go inside pc as far as i know

Is Geforce GTX 570 a good video card?

I hav e a budget and that card fits the upper limit but can that video card have everything to run the last gen of games?|||It'll run anything no problem. Except metro 2033 on ultra with AA turned up all the way at 30 fps..

I was thinking of selling both of my GTX480's and getting 1 GTX570. Only because I want a four wheeler, but if I'm willing to replace two GTX480's for a better be worth it.|||Of course! That video card is enough to run any game at the highest settings with absolutely no lag. That's probably one of the top video cards out there.

Palit 9800 series Video Card Questions?

I am planning to buy a video card. What's the difference between 9800 GT, 9800 GTX, 9800GTX+, and 9800GX2? Is there card the same but looks different because of the cooling system attached to them?

Buy the way, Palit is the only brand being sold here in my country, so I have no choice - East Timor|||Here's a chart that will give you the specs on the different cards.…

"Game" is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly...?

are out of date or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers."

What does this mean and what can I do to fix it? I'm just trying to install a virtual world game. Thanks.|||Right click on Computer, go to Manage, Device Manager. Click on display adapters, and right click on the device listed below. Click update driver. This should take care of it. If it doesn't, or Windows can't find a driver, you'll have to find what video card you have, go to the site of the manufacturer, find the model, and download the latest driver yourself.

What Graphics/Video Card is compatible with the Dell Dimension 2400 under 15 dollars on ebay?

I have a dell dimension 2400, and Im looking for one on ebay under 15 dollars that is a 32 bit PCI card...|||I have your answer I probed google, yahoo and alexa and support this

check it out I will check and let you know

Best video card for my motherboard and cpu setup?


AMD Phenom 2 965 black edition quad core processor

8GB corsair ddr3 ram

I do some gaming but not much. I want a card for around 75 bucks or less, nothing crazy.|||Used is you best bet for that cash.|||I would definitely suggest that you spend less money on that lot, even if you aren't playing many games. Get a Phenom II X4 955, saves a bit of money and it's still a black edition and so on, just has a very slightly lower clock speed (can fix this with some tiny overclocking). I would consider the Asus M4A88T-M/USB3 motherboard, still features USB3 and SATA 6GB/s but is cheaper and so on.

Hardly anyone needs 8GB of RAM at the moment, for most 4GB is fine. For running games, virtual machines, Photoshop, video editing, etc. 4GB is still enough. Just get a 2x2GB kit now and then grab another later if you need more RAM.

Anyway, once you've made savings on those things you should be able to easily fit in an HD 5770 1GB, possibly a GTX 460 1GB. Those would be my recommendations. $75 isn't a lot for a graphics card.|||Since you've bought such a system it'd be a shame to put a cheap $75 graphics card in it. If it was mine I wouldn't consider buying anything less than an NVidia GTX460 or a Radeon HD6850 for it.|||u might be able to find a bare minimun for waht u need for that price but i recomend getting a nvidia video card

My PC has a video card memory of 256mb(AGP) and a 512mb DDR2 SDRAM. I knew my SDRAM has to be upgraded in the?

My PC has a video card memory of 256mb(AGP) and a 512mb DDR2 SDRAM. I installed a latest game and the graphics of the game is robotics or slow motion. I knew I have to upgrade my 512mb DDR2 SDRAM but my AGP video card slot is only single. Meaning, the video card is not upgradeable. Will my PC improved the graphics if I upgrade my SDRAM only and retain my video card 256mb(AGP)? Thank you again nice people.|||Upgrading your RAM shouldn't improve your graphics much , if any , thats what your card is for. Also , I have never heard of a card that dosen't come out. Simply , take it out , get a new card , put the new card in. Make sure to delete the old cards drivers , then install the new ones. Also make sure to ground youreself when opening up your computer.|||It doesn't sound like you need to upgrade the video card if it's 256 MB. If you are digging into your page file, you could see a dramatic difference by upgrading your memory. It's hard to tell for sure, but you really should slap in another gig of memory.|||I would go with upgrading your memory. try

I have a problem with my video card i think?

where is the video card in a computer?

what does it look like, ect.?

if i have an old computer can i use that video card to replace the one im having problems with?? to determine if its the problem...|||Relax on yanking it out. Go to start -run. type in services.msc and look for the card and make sure it says start beside it.

Don't do that quite yet. Here's what you need to do first. Go to My computer and right click on my computer,click properties, then go to hardware tab then device management, open the video card up and see if it's working properly. Make sure there isn't a yellow ? beside it.|||usually a video card is the top chip from all the chips sticking out of the back of the computer. it will usually be seeded (meaning it conects differently) than all other "IDE" components (chips below the video card) it may have plastic or metal prongs in the shape of a square or a circle on top or below the card(for cooling perpuses)also the chips name.. it may say video card.. connection in the back will connect to the monitor. if the video card will fit properly in the new computer than sure go ahead and try it! although you will need software drivers.. so google video card drivers for the type of video card you of luck to you!!

Can I change my Inspiron 1420 Video Card?

Can I upgrade my Inspiron 1420 Video card,128MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8400M GS, to something with a bit more power?

If not, is it possible to crank up the video ram to at least 256mb, maybe even 512mb? Thanks!|||Judging by the specs, and the 1420 being a dedicated memory graphics card (Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS) it looks like it should be replaceable. Remember of course to look specifically for laptop/mobile graphics cards ;)

Check out the nVidia link here:…

It will show you higher memory cards in the same series are available.

Oh one further point to keep in mind. You may be sacrificing some of your battery life for the more powerful card.

Edit: While posting the above so did James... James here is failing to realize you're on a laptop.

also note two "mini-card" expansion slots on your Inspiron 1420's spec sheet on the dell site.|||ya you should be able to just pull that card from the pci slot and just put a new bigger better one in i use dual nvidia geforce 9800 gts's and its sick but i have a very custom xps lol but ya you should be able to

Is it worth upgrading my graphics card from 256MB to 512MB. I watch mainly TV and video through my pc?

Is it worth upgrading my graphics card from 256MB to 512MB. I watch mainly TV and video through my pc and browse the internet. I don't play many games. I think you have to pay double the price.|||it really isnt worth it, usually computers use 256 mb of memory for graphics. Using more is just a waste of money. Also, if you want more memory on your graphics card just assign some of the computer memory to the graphics portion. But i have a 256 MB card and it works great for both games and TV or movies. Dont spend your money on greater ones. You wont see the difference.|||yes it is. with a bigger videocard, your computer will work smoother|||No your graphics card is OK you will only need to upgrade if you want to play some of the newer games.|||*no not if that is all you are doing if you were playing games i would say yes|||If the old one works fine, then no.|||If you are watching TV, and just browsing.. No.. Now.. if you plan to upgrade to Vista in the Future.. this might not be the case.. As Vista will require a more robust card to get the additional 3D Capabilities of the Operating System. Frankly, after having been using Vista for the past year, and playing around with the 3D Features, they are mainly Eye Candy, and don't really offer much in productivity improvements. But, that could change as Programmers learn to use the new tools in Vista and make improvements to the software that is out there.

So right now No.. But if you are looking to get into Vista.. Then later down the road, it would be a wise move.|||Is not worth it, even a graphics card with 64 MB (even 32 MB)of memory wold suffice for TV and video. A good TV tunner does the job for better TV quality and a good software player for other video.

As an example I watch TV and video on P III computer at 800 MHZ with 256 MB RAM memory and a GeForce 2 video card with 32 MB of memory. Works just fine.

If you want to record TV shows you must have a good processor (2 GHZ or higher) and at least 256 RAM memory.|||No, there is no need to. Your 6200 is ok for you.|||You don't need a top-end video card unless you're playing high power games. I do, even, and mine is only 256 and is fine. But the GPU (graphics processor) speed is more important than the amount of memory on it. But unless you're having video lag in something you're doing, not really needed.

Is there a way I can enable two monitors and a television simultaneously from the same video card?

I have an ATI Radeon 9600...VGA out, DVI out and S-Video out.

VGA monitor is on all the time.

DVI is hooked up to a DVI-VGA adapter, running to a second monitor.

S-video is going to my TV.

I have to disable the second monitor to enable the there any way around this?


PS Windows XP Professional SP2

AMD athlon running at 2.2 GHZ

1 gb ram|||Hi,

Well there is no way around this issue. The chipset will run TV and any other device simultaneously, but ATI specs state "independent refresh rates for any two connected displays"

Personally, I had the exact same situation. At the time I had an AGP Radeon that would display only 1 monitor and 1 TV; to solve this I bought an NVidia PCI adapter with 2 analog VGA out puts and 1 SVideo. Now I have at least 3 displays running at any time and I could do a nice 4 display combination if necessary. If you choose to install another card, I would look at the ATI PCI option because of compatibility issues. I started with a Radeon based Diamond Stealth which was a nightmare, and the NVidia I settled on required too much effort before it worked well. In 2000 I had an early Radeon with a Rage Pro, both authentic ATI and it was so easy and totally compatible.

Anyway, you will see the above quote if you research the ATI specs for your card.

I hope this is helpful and GOOD LUCK!!|||get a second video card

on the 9600 / 9700 you can drive 2 monitors

but not a TV and a monitor at the same time

Can i use a video card with a dvi port on a motherboard that has no dvi port?

buying a motherboard the doesn't come with a dvi port and plan on upgrading video watching and gaming later on by adding a video card|||yes you can, the video card generates the video so what your motherboard has doesn't matter.|||What type of question is that?

Does a square block fit in the circular hole? No.

Video card not detected in windows 7?

I use Compaq SR1921IL PC..

I installed windows 7, the OS has installed correctly but when i play a video is suffers a lot and i see ripples on the screen...

Previously i was using VISTA which worked properly in all ways...

I hope as like VISTA ,windows7 also has the inbult drivers...

But what could be the problem that video card not getting detected...

My card is ATI RADEON 200 series...|||You need to download the latest driver for the video card for Windows 7 as drivers are not inbuilt. That is the only problem|||Radeon Express 200 is kind of an orphaned product. There might not be any usable drivers for Windows 7.

Try using the Vista chipset driver you used for Vista

It has the graphics driver in it.

You have a PCI-E x16 expansion slot

Probably your best plan is to get a Graphics card to install…

Be aware that it might require a stronger Power Supply.|||i guess it's the driver issue.

you can try this link to find the right video driver and get the problem fixed:…

or you can also keep asking on:

good luck.|||simply , get ur cd that came with ur video card , and install it if that doesnt work

do to ATI main website and download the new driver for windows 7 and install it and then it will work perfectly.

Hope i helped here , have a nice day :)

What is the best Video card for i3?

i did'nt now that i3 core don' t have a gaming booster(correct me if i'm wrong)

so is thier any vga card that will fix this issue. . .|||this is like saying what are the best tires for a ford...

i3 is a processor, any video card will do..

Which Video card should I purchase ?

My motherboard would require PCI express card. I want VGA card that would be still used for future many years too.Actually i wanted buy for playing games. I wanted some kind of video graphic cards that would still support the games even after yrs time.|||hmm good luck, even the newest cards have a hard time pushing the newest games in high detail (unless you have a sli/crossfire mobo)

which means youll be getting ANOTHER CARD relatively soon...but such is the way of PC graphics. lol

for a decent price and performance, look into a radeon HD 3850 or 3870

also to run the high end cards, youll need a power supply with of at least 450watts..

dont buy any no name power supply, look into names such as antec. thermaltake, corsair,,etc|||the best game card available is nvidia 8800 ultra @ 600 $ or more. i have two 8800gt oc in SLI . who knows how long before outdated but it should last a few years

I have a dell dimension 3000 and need to know how to change the video card?

dose the dell dimension 3000 pc have a video card in it that needs to be removed to install one? the card that i want to put in is a ati radeon x1300 pcisff|||first you have to know if your pc has a agp slot or pci-e slot. go to the mboard manual then you can choose and agp or pci-e videocard that you can afford. gudluck

Just wondering. what video/graphics card does the samsung rv510-a02 have?

i have a samsung rv510-a02 laptop. intel celeron 2.10 ghz, 2gb ram, etc etc. im just having trouble finding the model number of my video card. thanks

!|||Do you have some kind of mentally problem?

What is stopping you from looking it up yourself?

Or are you really just very lazy?

Maplestory keeps saying Not supported ?... my video card is a geforce 9500gt 1 gb of video?

i need help figuring if its my video card or something else..|||Try updating your video card drivers. Make sure you have correct Direct X versions (if needed) and there are no OS restrictions on Maplestory. You may have to run it in compatibility mode if your using a newer OS.|||it is possible to have a video card so great that you can not play some games (scary huh?) but I do not believe this is your case. Maple story is a free online game so chances are they did not think anybody was using your video card (or they didn't have time to). just tell your problem to support and I am sure they will be happy to help you (after all that is why they are there)

How much does a good video card cost?

I want a good video card probably for gaming. I have an IBM computer (it was free and i don't have much money, so I took it) and it runs on Windows 2000. I want a good video card, and once I get it I will upgrade to vista and start gaming. anything? how much will it cost, what type is it, and how do i install it?|||A good video card can cost you anywhere from $100 to $300, depending on the graphics processor on which it's based and the manufacturer and the retailer offering it. Currently, this is the best big name brand video card for a low-budget:

MSI NX8600GT Twin Turbo GeForce 8600GT 256MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 SLI Supported Video Card, $101.99 plus $6.33 three-day shipping = $108.32 total @

Great nVidia chipset, should be enough to run the hottest games currently on the market, and for the next 2 years.|||go to you will find what you need. plus they also sell used parts.|||What kind of connection is it? There are 3 types, PCI, AGP, and PCI-Express. Since your running windows 2000, your comp might be older and might have pci connection. Hopefully it's at least agp! if your pci, your best card on the market will be an ati 1550 for 100$. if your agp, and want the best in that, the nvidia 7800gs or ati 1950pro are the best cards and are about 200$ , and if by some miracle you have pci-express you'll want an 8800 anything, gts, gt, gtx, ultra, and they range from 150-500$ but all will kik butt on games! Find out your connection on your motherboard first! to install a new card. you simply unplug the old one, plug the new one in, download the drivers from the manufacturer's site, restart the comp and voila!

Can i use ati 4350HD drivers for my eah4350 video card?

i m having a asus eah 4350 silent card but i m using ati 4350hd drivers and its working it ok to use it or no?

also when i see dxdiag it shows that i hav ati 4350/4500 series card.....

what should i do?|||yeah they can work together as well because they have the exact same GPU and as well as this is 4350 and that is also a 4350,their drivers go happy together...|||yes , you can use ati drivers

even i will say go for ati drivers only , because they will be updated regularly

i have Asus EAH 5750 , i also use ati drivers for it ,

Do i need to get a new power supply if i get a new video card?

i have the stock power for my lenovo ideacentre and im wondering if i need a new power supply to run my video card|||Power Supplies Low wattage guide ...…|||It depends upon how much power the video card requires.

You need to see how much free power your computer & current power supply has available & how much power the card requires to run & to run efficiently.

You can email the card manufacturer & give them the tech specs of your computer/power supply & ask them if the card will work with your computer.|||Not usually necessary unless the wattage of your current one is too low. If it is say 350Watts or more it is suitable for most video cards.

Can you put a CPU fan on a video card?

i have a bunch of old cpu fans but not video card fans, my cpu fan has 3 wires (yellow, red, black) and my video card has 2 (Red, Black) is there anyway to hook up my cpu fan to my video card, and if so how would i spice the wires|||There are fans built specifically for video cards. Just get a video card cooler that's right for your it. Also, usually, video cards that are meant to be cooled by a fan comes with a fan. It's not necessary to install a fan on your video card if it doesn't come with one, unless of course you are overclocking it.

The black cable is for the ground, yellow is for the +12V and red is +5V. I'm not sure if it's safe to break the connector and hook the red and black wires to the CPU fan. Try looking at computer stores if they have a converter instead.

It it possable to put a better video card in my acer aspire 5735Z?

i dont know if i can because the card is integrated into the mother board so can some one help?|||No, you can't.

This video card good for this desktop?

Hi. This sounds like a really wierd question because I don't know what is up with the terminology. So will this video card… work with this desktop… ? Does this desktop come with a PCI Express 2.0 slot and if not will that video card work with this PC?|||Yes, this computer comes with 1x PCI-e 2.0 slot so that video card will work.

If you don't own the video card and are planing on buying it however, you can find it cheaper on Also I have had nothing but trouble with PNY video cards, I would recommend EVGA(Lifetime warranty if registered in 30 days).

Video card attached to motherboard?

I have a HP Pavillion ZD8000 laptop that I paid $2000 for a few years ago. The video card just went bad on it and I'm being told that since it's fused to the motherboard, I need to purchase a new motherboard.

I don't have alot of money to pour back into this laptop. Where can I find an affordable motherboard for this laptop? Where is the best place to have it installed?

Thanks!|||It isn't fused to the motherboard... it is PART of the motherboard. The components that make up the video card, are right there on the same printed circuit board as everything else.

A new motherboard for a zd7000 series goes for $900+ right now... just had to price one for a customer. Why so much? This is HP's way of inspiring people to upgrade their hardware. You may have paid $2000 for it a few years ago, but it isn't worth nearly that much now. Think of it this way. Take a look at the laptops that HP is offering now, for that same $2000... and compare their specs to yours... You'll see.

There are tested motherboards available now on Ebay, for the zd8000 series, going for $300 (BuyItNow Price). Just do an Ebay search for zd8000 motherboard. As to where you should have it installed... you might do better at a smaller repair shop, as opposed to Best Buy/Geek Squad. The wait time should be shorter, and the labor should be less. You are looking at between 2 and 3 hours labor for the job. I'm not saying that a good tech couldn't install it in under an hour. I'm saying that any shop is going to charge you between 2 and 3 hours of labor.|||it is very complicated to deal with a laptop (opening them causes lots of problems).i would recommend that you first go to a specialist(hardware programer) to see if your upgrade would be compatable with the rest of the hardware---secondly it is best if you fix the computer using your warranty if you have one... modifying the system hardware destroys the warrenty... i hope this information helps

___thank you|||for what it will cost you to find and have the board replaced ... you could go buy a new laptop with similar specs ... Laptop prices have tumbled over the past 2 yrs and your $2000 lappy (with the same specs) brand new today is worth about $700|||Replacing the motherboard in your Laptop will cost your just as much as if you would purchase a new laptop. It is sometimes cheaper to buy a new laptop than to replace the motherboard. |||well, the only place to save a littlebit of money is go to the computer repairshop let them repair it or buy a refurbish mother board.

How do i know which video card fits my pc?

and how do i check which video card is fast or slow. do i look at its memory or something else thank you|||Check you system info. if you cant find it , re-boot the press setup (F2/F12 . different pc's differ) You should be in your BIOS This will tell you what your computer is using for everything.

Wondering if video card (Radeon 5670) will work on my PC, to play Lego Star Wars 3?

So I'm looking for a video card that would work on a system I'm fixing, I found a card and here's the link and I'm wondering if it will work on the pc. My pc is a Dell Dimension 4700. Thank You.|||Hi,

Unlike one answerer said the graphics card will fit physically into the PC. Your pc has PCI Express 1.0 x16 and the graphics card is PCI Express 2.1 x16 but this is backwards compatible.

As for the power supply, its 305w which will just about run the graphics card (the system requirements say the pc will need at least a 300w power supply), and unlike any other current graphics cards, it only requires the power from the motherboard as opposed to power direct from your computers power supply.

It should run fine, but if you do get crashing on games Blue screens etc, it WILL be down to your power supply and you'll need a more powerful one in this instance.

Hope i've helped :)|||No, as near as I can tell with just a quick browse of the first motherboard shematic that came up for your computer, you do not have the proper slot ( PCI Express 2.1 x16) and I would guess you don't have a strong enough power supply, either.|||Yes. Here are system requirements:

Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz

AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+

Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce GT 240

ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 4670 512MB

RAM (Memory) - 2 GB

Hard Disk Space - 6 GB

Direct X - 9

The rest of your computer might not work though. It looks like you may only have a Pentuim 4 and I don't know how much RAM you have

How to upgrade video card 32MB ram to a 64 or more MB ram?

i have a 32 Mb ram video card thing called intel (r) 82815|||Buy a new video card. If you dont know how than take you whole computer into a store and they will probably do it for you. If you computer is old than you may need to buy a new motherboard to support a graphics card.

Question about video card. I have onbroad graphic but I brought a avideo card that I plan to install now.?

I heard in the past that I have to disable old video driver or something like that.

My question is do I have to? and if yes how to go about do it? I am a newbie working with computer.

Thanks for any answer.|||sometimes the video card will turn it off in your bios when you install it...but watch your screen when it first boots up..usually F2 or F10 to enter the set up....then check onboard video or graphics and change it if it hasn't already...cheers

What type of video card slot does my HP pavilion p6203w have?

i need to replace my video card to play modern warfare 2, and i need a card over 6600, what type of slot is it, pci, pci-e, or AGP? PLEASE HELP ME|||One PCI Express x16

Two PCI Express x1

One PCI|||hello,

I think that your MB have NVIDIA GeForce 6150 chipset. Manufacturer could be ASUS and for video card you could use PCI Express x16 slot.

Be aware about system power Supply. You must change the PSU to higher wattage: 650W or 750W.|||if you can't figure out that you should go to HP's website then maybe you shouldn't have acomputer|||1 Pci-Express x16

If I have an integrated video card can I still upgrade if I have PCI slots?

I'm new to upgrading computers and I'm unsure if I can even upgrade my video card, because I do have an on board video but several people have said I could delete the drivers and install a new video card in the PCI slot.|||yes but you will have to disable the integrated video card in BIOS so the motherboard knows

you maybe able to use both video cards but it depends on BIOS settings|||PCI? The fastest GPU you could probably get is one of these:…

Although, if you have PCI-Express, then you can get up to a Radeon HD 5970 as long as your power supply can handle it.|||Yes, however using AGP or PCI express x16 slots and their respective cards would be much preferable.|||You disable the onboard graphics in the BIOS then install the pci video card.

Upgrading video card on my MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 duo?

I want to upgrade my current video card from the Radeon X1600, to something (anything) that will give me more than 9 frames per second running GTA IV. I've played with the settings and I'm on the lowest graphic settings there is...

Anyone have suggestions for a new video card that would work with my MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 duo?|||Good luck replacing a video card in a laptop period - but especially for a Mac.

First, you would have to find a card suitable for a Mac, then a Mac laptop, and can fit into the location that the one you have now fits into. It would also have to take the same connection that yours does now as well.

Basically, it's pretty difficult.

My suggestion would be to not even bother. Especially with alot of decent laptops coming out that won't break the bank, it makes more sense to purchase a laptop for your gaming needs, and keep the MacBook for what it does best - looking awesome and working like a beast.

I'm trying to turn off the video card on my computer please help me!?

I bought a new video card for my computer. I have to turn off the one that is built into my computer. I have a hp pavilion. The instructions with the new video card say go to the control panel and go to "add remove programs" and delete the video card. I tried that but I don't even know what the video card is called on my computer and I'm not sure which thing to delete. Can anyone help me??|||you dont need to delete anything just put the card in the computer and then put the monitor wire in the video card's slot.|||Is your computer a laptop? or an actual computer? if its a laptop i cannot help, but if its a computer, i have a solution. If it is built into the motherboard, then you need to find another video card that is compatible with the other video card and the motherboard, so just browse around and keep looking for something that is compatible with it.|||You just insert the new card, because it automatically uses the discrete one over the integrated or if you've got a discrete one already in there, then uninstall drivers for it as well as remove it (obviously) then insert the new one. To me it seems you are very unsure, do you even know if everything is compatible? i.e PSU, having an empty PCIe slot

What video card can compare to this?

What video card can compare to this?

What video card can compare or is better then this one for the same price?…|||newegg has it for $20 more but it is a 1gb instead of a 512|||The GTX 260 might. Its about $40-60 dollars more. In any case, I would say nothing else would match it on price and performance. The 4870 is GREAT card. I have the 2 of the 1gb model in crossfire. Awesome. If you're thinking of getting this, GET IT. Current trump card of ATI along with the 4870 x2. :)|||The ATI Radeon 4870 and the nVidia GTX 280 are comparable graphics cards.

I have an older computer that was fresh scrubbed. It has a video card, but I don't know what kind.?

The video card says it was made by ATI, but that is all the info I can get from the labels. They are mostly just serial numbers or part numbers.

(01)00727419483030(21)05822 87424 and the P/N is 332836-002.

I am getting sick of 16 colors and 640 x 480 video. I need to get the right drivers installed. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.|||This should be a ATI Rage Pro IIC card, go to

and try that one|||Did google search on the part number, and I did have the same card in an older computer

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|||when ur pc boots the first thing it shows is the video card model if u r fast enough u can read it

Upgraded video card I can get with my MB?

I have a M2N32-SLI Delux… and was wondering whats a great video card capable to use on it, I currently have a Nvidia 8800GT OC. And my CPU is Blakc edition AMD Athlon 7850 Dual-Core 2.8GHZ.|||Usually what fixes all this kind of stuff bro, is updating all the ******* drivers you can find lol. Had some issues when latest wow patch came, especially the water effect, and i got an ati mobility radeon HD 2600, updated drivers = fix, Btw its Eldrich lol|||I dont see any need for upgrade the vid card is good and should be capable of running anything you throw at it