Friday, April 27, 2012

Buying A Laptop, Will A 256 Video Card Play PC Games?

I'm buying a Laptop. How much am I giving up using a 256 Video Card rather than a 512 ? I want to play online games and watch lots of video.|||if you are just playing online flash games and watching movies and youtube videos, a 256MB card will be more than enough. i would only recommend stepping up to a 512MB if you plan on doing graphic intensive gaming. in that case, you will need to know more than just how much ram (256MB or 512MB) it is to know how well it will perform.|||i think you should get an 512 mb graphics card

because now a days most of pc games are better in performance

and quality for 512 mb graphics card

and if you are using vista it is better if you opt for 512mb

because vista takes upto 64-128 mb graphics(according to model)|||An quite a bit actually, because graphics cards an processors are the hardest components to upgrade in a laptop(because of specific power an space constraints).

Splash out as much as u can with regards to these 2 components, hard drives an ram can be upgraded later.

Also a good rule of thumb when it comes to this is to buy more than u need, cuz u know in the next 6 - 8 months something else will come out that requires more than what ur current needs are now.

(look at dreambooks they got sweet deals)

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