Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is it worth upgrading my graphics card from 256MB to 512MB. I watch mainly TV and video through my pc?

Is it worth upgrading my graphics card from 256MB to 512MB. I watch mainly TV and video through my pc and browse the internet. I don't play many games. I think you have to pay double the price.|||it really isnt worth it, usually computers use 256 mb of memory for graphics. Using more is just a waste of money. Also, if you want more memory on your graphics card just assign some of the computer memory to the graphics portion. But i have a 256 MB card and it works great for both games and TV or movies. Dont spend your money on greater ones. You wont see the difference.|||yes it is. with a bigger videocard, your computer will work smoother|||No your graphics card is OK you will only need to upgrade if you want to play some of the newer games.|||*no not if that is all you are doing if you were playing games i would say yes|||If the old one works fine, then no.|||If you are watching TV, and just browsing.. No.. Now.. if you plan to upgrade to Vista in the Future.. this might not be the case.. As Vista will require a more robust card to get the additional 3D Capabilities of the Operating System. Frankly, after having been using Vista for the past year, and playing around with the 3D Features, they are mainly Eye Candy, and don't really offer much in productivity improvements. But, that could change as Programmers learn to use the new tools in Vista and make improvements to the software that is out there.

So right now No.. But if you are looking to get into Vista.. Then later down the road, it would be a wise move.|||Is not worth it, even a graphics card with 64 MB (even 32 MB)of memory wold suffice for TV and video. A good TV tunner does the job for better TV quality and a good software player for other video.

As an example I watch TV and video on P III computer at 800 MHZ with 256 MB RAM memory and a GeForce 2 video card with 32 MB of memory. Works just fine.

If you want to record TV shows you must have a good processor (2 GHZ or higher) and at least 256 RAM memory.|||No, there is no need to. Your 6200 is ok for you.|||You don't need a top-end video card unless you're playing high power games. I do, even, and mine is only 256 and is fine. But the GPU (graphics processor) speed is more important than the amount of memory on it. But unless you're having video lag in something you're doing, not really needed.

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