Friday, April 27, 2012

Looking to upgrade my video card from radeon HD4670?

I'm willing to spend no more than $130 to upgrade from my old Radeon HD4670 that I got a few years ago. What do you have for me? I tend to prefer Radeon cards, but I'm not opposed to nvidia cards.

Specifically, I'd like input from people who have upgraded from the same bargain card. Any input is highly appreciated though! I want to jazz up my comp!|||In that price range, Radeon 5770, hands down.

Lee, the 9800 is not the king. At all. It's old and a bad deal for the money. Just a few bucks more gets you a Radeon 5750, which mops the floor with the 9800. The 5770 is a tad more and beats it even harder. Why the hell do people keep pimping the 9800 series? It's several generations old.

The same goes for the GTS250, albeit to a lesser extent.

The GTX 460 is faster than a 5770, but it's going to be hard to find one for less than $150. DO NOT TRUST REBATES. Consider those gravy on top of whatever price you get if they actually come back to you in less than a year.|||I got an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 for like $99 from best buy. It was overclocked with a gig of memory, HD compatible. Very nice for the price. I got it from Best Buy, it was overclocked by a different handler, BFG. Great price, great cooling for overclock. Basically NVIDIA's 9800 GTX card revamped and renamed.|||I agree with Vomit, the 5770 fits the bill here. You might be able to pick up a GTX 460 1GB for about the same price as well, the performance between the two is similar.|||nvidia 9800. king of budget cards. around 100 bucks.

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